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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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Not trying to hijack the thread but a while back we got a new sporting good store in our area that actually carries hockey gear. It was cool at first and I bought a few small things like laces, pucks, tape and even a couple of cheaper wooden sticks but for the most part they have lower level gear and the prices are about the highest I have seen for example $75 bucks for a $49 dollar helmet/cage combo (anywhere online) . I would like to support a local operation but I am not going to buy low end gear at mid to high end prices. The funny thing is I was at the store the other day and an employee said that they were considering not carrying hockey gear next year because it wasn't selling very well. I told him that the prices are just too high and told him that most guys I know order online and he acted mad about that and said that the online companies are killing the business. I can understand when the shops get mad because guys come in to get sized and try on skates and then order online because they can get the skates cheaper but the truth of the matter is I would buy more from them but when I can get better gear at a lower price even after paying shipping and handling thats what I am going to do. This might make shop owners mad but I work for my money just like everyone else.


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Valid points, but let's not go there again.

I stand by my LHS, but pledge no allegiance to sports outlets that carry equipment for all sports - almost invariably yielding a laughable hockey section (at least in the states).

At least I'll know where to go if I ever need a Mylec net, Franklin glow-in-the-dark street hockey ball, or Koho gloves.

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I'm just glad I live in an area where there are at least 10 good places to get hockey gear within 20 minutes of me. A couple of them might be over priced, but are there in a pinch, and most of them have good prices.

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It seemed like price bartering day today. I love it when customers think that price matching competitors is the same as being open to all best offers.

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I'm just glad I live in an area where there are at least 10 good places to get hockey gear within 20 minutes of me. A couple of them might be over priced, but are there in a pinch, and most of them have good prices.

First off, your icon rocks. :D

I wish I could say the same about the shops... I have 1 LHS that is 10 mins away (the nearest besides that is over 1/2 hr away and not worth the drive) and it's pretty good, but they don't carry all the brands and therefore selection is limted. What they lack in inventory they do make up for with their well educated staff though so it keeps me coming back. I try to buy as much stuff as possible there but I wish there were some other quality hockey shops here on Long Island... I don't mind paying a little extra to buy locally.

A long long time ago I worked at The Sports Authority and saw firsthand just how bad the "sports outlet" style store could be... I worked in the footwear section, which wasn't bad, I was able to help people buy semi-decent skates. Unfortunately they didn't have anyone in the store that knew the first thing about hockey equipment (and of course they wouldn't train anyone either) so I'd end up working that department as well, usually dealing with customers who were told all the wrong information by another clueless employee. So the moral of the story, don't shop at those stores.

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I had a great experience when I picked up my skates 6 months ago (RBK 5ks). It was my first time buying skates for myself in 6 years.

I walked into the my LHS and told the guy working this exactly. "I have no idea what I'm looking for, but something in the $250-$400 range. I am definitely going to buy from you today, so please bare with me as I want to make sure I get the right skate for my foot."

He sizes me up and then goes into the back. Comes back with about 6 different skates stacked up. He says "try these on while I get some more". End up trying on maybe 15 different boots. When another customer would walk in he'd help them out while I'd be lacing up and then he'd come back and check on the fit. I end up buying my 5ks and picking up another hundred dollars worth of compression gear.

Cool dude, smoked a cig with him while the skates were in the oven. He tossed in a few rolls of tape and extra laces. I wonder if he would have been as patient if he didn't know if he was gonna get a sale.

From the other perspective, I have been in the service industry (both management and waitstaff) for the past 5 years while attending school on and off and worked retail management before that. For the last year I've worked at a higher end restaurant (about $70 a person check average). Wine sales was how you'd make your money, as "most" people in DC are tipping 20% for good service. The whole "how much are you looking to spend?" or "what price range were you looking at?" question does not come off as rude when it comes to helping them pick out a bottle of wine. It helps you classify whether your table is looking to buy the cheapest bottle of South African grape juice shiraz they can find or if they are willing to spend $160 for that elegant Chateauneuf.

Some guests will find it uncomfortable when their server suggests a bottle of wine that is way out of their price range, or if their server suggests a bottle that is too cheap. I found that customer service is knowing your product but making your guest feel comfortable with their decision. Its tough not to come off as snobby when talking about wine (especially if you are a wine freak as I am) but it is necessary to let your guest know that you know what you're talking about, even if they don't.

Reading some of these "horror" stories that you guys have working at your LHS I can relate to some of the crazy stuff I've had to do or go through while waiting tables.

Ok this post is longer than I wanted, but I actually read/skimmed through all 70+ pages of this thread, haha (go 2 hour lectures that are boring as sin).

I live in the DC area and was wondering what LHS you went to.


Went to the Gardens Ice house in Laurel. But the LHS i call my home is in Ashburn VA.

I've been talking up the Gardens Ice House to anyone who will listen to me. They don't try to over sell, actually listen to you, and will put you into what's best for you (fit/level and buget).

That's why I went to them to order our jerseys for our charity event as well, because they have always done right by us (it was a 50 jersey order, 2 teams worth).

It's worth the travel time (although I work 10 minutes from there, so it's not much for me on a workday)

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A couple years ago, there was an employee at the local Sports Authority. He was a high school kid and customer of ours and would just tell people to come to our shop instead when they asked about hockey equipment in the store.

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I'm just glad I live in an area where there are at least 10 good places to get hockey gear within 20 minutes of me. A couple of them might be over priced, but are there in a pinch, and most of them have good prices.

First off, your icon rocks. :D

I wish I could say the same about the shops... I have 1 LHS that is 10 mins away (the nearest besides that is over 1/2 hr away and not worth the drive) and it's pretty good, but they don't carry all the brands and therefore selection is limted. What they lack in inventory they do make up for with their well educated staff though so it keeps me coming back. I try to buy as much stuff as possible there but I wish there were some other quality hockey shops here on Long Island... I don't mind paying a little extra to buy locally.

A long long time ago I worked at The Sports Authority and saw firsthand just how bad the "sports outlet" style store could be... I worked in the footwear section, which wasn't bad, I was able to help people buy semi-decent skates. Unfortunately they didn't have anyone in the store that knew the first thing about hockey equipment (and of course they wouldn't train anyone either) so I'd end up working that department as well, usually dealing with customers who were told all the wrong information by another clueless employee. So the moral of the story, don't shop at those stores.

Same here, when I worked at TSA I was in Merch, then moved to footwear after I turned sales of hockey equipment up a LOT(still paged me anytime anyone had any question about hockey). The sad thing was I turned more guys to the LHS in Brandon unless they needed something low-mid end(the Vector SE was decent, at best). I even turned most away from the SWD 5030 because they only carried it in the Coffey pattern and most looking at wood were beginners.

Cleats were the best.

Customer: "My kid is going to play baseball and I have soccer cleats, those are ok right?"

Me: "Well, soccer cleats are made just for use on grass."

Customer: "No, the field is grass."

Me: "Umm, how about the infield... You know running the bases?"

Customer: "Oh, that's not grass."

Me: "Ok, let's find him some cleats, what size is he?"

Customer: "He's about my height but taller."

Me: **Takes cyanide pill**

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My favorite response to any question about the size of the child: "He's 12 but he's big/small for his age." If I had a nickel for everytime I heard something along that line, well... I'd have a shitload of nickels!

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last week someone came in swearing up and down that there was a machine to "lengthen" stick... that stretched them out. He was holding an old school stealth he wanted to longer. I pointed him towards the butt ends but he didnt want to make it heavier... LOL!!!!!!

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A couple years ago, there was an employee at the local Sports Authority. He was a high school kid and customer of ours and would just tell people to come to our shop instead when they asked about hockey equipment in the store.

Haha sounds like a bunch of you guys have/do work at TSA. I consider myself to be one of the employees who kindly asks the customers to buy their Under Armor from us, hockey equipment from someone else (The Gardens Ice House). I just hope my managers don't come across this thread.

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I wish I could recommend someone to a store that close. TGIH is at least a 30 minute drive from our store. I will add though that our TSA has added S17s onto the shelf. Only 100 flex though.

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I too would steer customers to some of the local hockey shops when I realized they were looking for anything that was above beginner level equipment (back then I lived near a few that were within 20mins of driving). I'd also steer them to a nearby inline skate shop when they were looking for rollerblades (the guy at the shop even gave me a pack of business cards and a nice discount whenever I needed hockey equipment :lol: ), luckily the management at TSA never caught on... I did get several customers call to give compliments though (which netted me a $20 gift certificate each time :D ).

The one thing I don't miss is the parents coming in for skates for their kids and saying they want them to last for atleast 2 or 3 years since the kid is still growing, and then trying to explain to them the reasons a skate should fit properly. It was like talking to a brick wall at times.

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When I was working in my LHS there was this one kid had to be about 13 and he kept insisting that TPS was pronounced TIPS. :lol:


we have one guy who pronounces Sher-Wood (SWD) as "swood". I'm also a big fan of Nike rhyming with "bike"

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When I was working in my LHS there was this one kid had to be about 13 and he kept insisting that TPS was pronounced TIPS. :lol:


we have one guy who pronounces Sher-Wood (SWD) as "swood". I'm also a big fan of Nike rhyming with "bike"

Thats because it DOES! :P

Thank god there's barely any Jofa at my LHS now that one used to bug me(along with Adidas and Puma), I think I'd commit suicide if I ever had to work at a Porshe dealership...

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I thought of this thread as I was in a pro shop this weekend at a local rink and overheard a father and son trying on skates with one of the sales guys.

Now mind you the father looked reasonably intelligent and this was not his son's first pair of skates for hockey.

Father: These Grafs seem to fit him OK but would it be OK for him to try them out on the ice? I'm pretty sure we're going to buy them

Sales Dude: Well we can't do that because I can't sharpen a pair of skates unless you buy them

Father: Can't he just take them out unsharpened?

Me: *Dumbfounded*

I think otherwise normal people seem to go absolutely insane when they step through the doors of their LHS.

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I consider myself to be one of the employees who kindly asks the customers to buy their Under Armor from us, hockey equipment from someone else (The Gardens Ice House). I just hope my managers don't come across this thread.

Why is that? Gardens Ice House is one of the best shops in the CBHL (IMO, of course)

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I consider myself to be one of the employees who kindly asks the customers to buy their Under Armor from us, hockey equipment from someone else (The Gardens Ice House). I just hope my managers don't come across this thread.

Why is that? Gardens Ice House is one of the best shops in the CBHL (IMO, of course)

That's why he's sending folks there apparently.

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