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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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Don't get me wrong, I'll do them, and the guy will be 100% satisfied. We get a few repeat offenders, who like to use us as an internet fitting station.

That's a whole other story lol........ I'll foreshadow by saying I'm a shop regular, on a first name basis with everyone know what I need when I go in the shop all you have to do for me is ring it up and take my money..... so I went into my shop the other day to finally do my fitting for customs, I sit and wait for over an hour for the fitting and when they finally come over to me he hands me the measuring tape, brannock device, order form and tells me to fill it on and let him know when I'm done..... Now luckily for me I knew what I was doing and knew what I wanted with my skates but what if I didn't? I'm trying to hand them $800 on the spot for a pair of skates I'll get in 4-6 weeks and they make me wait a hour and then have me fit myself. I guarantee this happens to customers all the time, so if you aren't getting the one on one service why pay the extra money in the store?

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Don't get me wrong, I'll do them, and the guy will be 100% satisfied. We get a few repeat offenders, who like to use us as an internet fitting station.

That's a whole other story lol........ I'll foreshadow by saying I'm a shop regular, on a first name basis with everyone know what I need when I go in the shop all you have to do for me is ring it up and take my money..... so I went into my shop the other day to finally do my fitting for customs, I sit and wait for over an hour for the fitting and when they finally come over to me he hands me the measuring tape, brannock device, order form and tells me to fill it on and let him know when I'm done..... Now luckily for me I knew what I was doing and knew what I wanted with my skates but what if I didn't? I'm trying to hand them $800 on the spot for a pair of skates I'll get in 4-6 weeks and they make me wait a hour and then have me fit myself. I guarantee this happens to customers all the time, so if you aren't getting the one on one service why pay the extra money in the store?

"this happens to customers all the time" - why go to this shop again??

"I knew what I was doing and knew what I wanted with my skates" - self-service explained

"all you have to do for me is ring it up and take my money" - sounds like they did

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Don't get me wrong, I'll do them, and the guy will be 100% satisfied. We get a few repeat offenders, who like to use us as an internet fitting station.

That's a whole other story lol........ I'll foreshadow by saying I'm a shop regular, on a first name basis with everyone know what I need when I go in the shop all you have to do for me is ring it up and take my money..... so I went into my shop the other day to finally do my fitting for customs, I sit and wait for over an hour for the fitting and when they finally come over to me he hands me the measuring tape, brannock device, order form and tells me to fill it on and let him know when I'm done..... Now luckily for me I knew what I was doing and knew what I wanted with my skates but what if I didn't? I'm trying to hand them $800 on the spot for a pair of skates I'll get in 4-6 weeks and they make me wait a hour and then have me fit myself. I guarantee this happens to customers all the time, so if you aren't getting the one on one service why pay the extra money in the store?

"all you have to do for me is ring it up and take my money" - sounds like they did

what I meant by that is they don't have to try and sell me something, when I go in I know what I want but if I'm ordering custom skates because I've gone through 4 pair in the last year trying to find one that works I expected a little more than being tossed the stuff to do it myself

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To be honest, if you've gone through 4 pair in a year trying to find a skate that works then you're probably going to the wrong shop to begin with.

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Any shop that gives a regular customer a tape measure for custom skates is just stupid.

If I have a regular customer come in during a rush while I'm with other customers I let the regular know how long it's going to be. I'd rather see if we can work it out where they come back when it's not so hectic so I can give them my undivided attention.

Even when they come in and say "I wear size _____" I'm going to measure them. Especially for a custom.

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Even when they come in and say "I wear size _____" I'm going to measure them. Especially for a custom.

I had a guy come into the shop the other day and ask to try on a 750 goal skate in a size 9. Instead of going to get the skates, I sat him down and sized him up...then put him in a size 6.5. People are always going to think they know what size they should be wearing and, for a number of reasons, they're usually wrong. It's not often they're wrong by 2.5 sizes, but they're usually wrong nonetheless.

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Just on the topic of sizing, at my shop the other day I had a wonderful customer [not sarcasm] who was extremely uninformed when it came to hockey equipment but her brother in law [coach of the team her child played on] sent her in with a list of what he thought the child should be in. She was very open about her not knowing about hockey equipment, listened to everything I had to say and we even joked around a bit.

So anyway towards the end of the sale she says I'm going to text him [her brother in law] and tell him what I got him see what he says before I purchase them if you don't mind. [This after I have fitted her child and he has walked in them etc.] I said no problem tell him no one was there to help you so you just grabbed a Reidell in a size 5 [her child walked out with a size 2 skate, the uncle also knew what shoe size the child was]

So she texts him and his text back is "...call me back ASAP!" She calls him and he is flipping out on her, all the while she is nearly in tears from laughing so hard. She finally stops him and says shes kidding he was put in a size 2 Easton skate. His next question [and the woman was very quick on this one] "Did you get them sharpened?" She goes "Is that important?" He ended the phone call without answering that.

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Second hand story, but one I like.

Father is screaming at his young son (4 or 5) from behind the glass during the Hockey Initiation. Then opens the door to yell at him, "Hold your stick the OTHER WAY! RIGHTY!! SHOOT RIGHT!"

My friend, one of the rink pros skates up to him and says, "Hey bud. Anything I can help with?"

"Well, my kid does everything with his right hand, he needs to shoot righty, but he keeps holding it lefty! Get him to switch"

"That's not too uncommon. I do everything with my right hand, but shoot lefty. It also helps because your top hand does most of the work so a person who is normally right-handed is ok. It's really whatever feels natural."

"Yeah, well I'm his father."

My friend skated away at that point. Really nothing you can say to argue with that. Unless you want to argue paternity.

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Seriously, if you've gone through four pairs of skates trying to find one that fits... you need an alternative.

I would rather spend the money on gas to Orlando to see JR but since he's no longer doing the custom skate thing... I'd be going to Jersey to see Darkstar50 or Toronto to see oldtrainerguy28.

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"Sir, in all fairness, I've been involved in this game quite a bit and kids who start as young as your's tend to shoot lefty if they are right handed. You can look it up on the web if you like."

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Seriously, if you've gone through four pairs of skates trying to find one that fits... you need an alternative.

I would rather spend the money on gas to Orlando to see JR but since he's no longer doing the custom skate thing... I'd be going to Jersey to see Darkstar50 or Toronto to see oldtrainerguy28.

Are you trying to drop a hint? LOL

I'd do them for ya.

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Hahaha eventually! I honestly didn't doubt you would, you're not the kind of guy that leaves people out in the rain. You'll shiv a mutha but never in the rain. :P

You were right about the one95s, they got beat-up quickly but haven't gotten any worse since.. and that was back when we were at RDV with Gilroy. :)

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