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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Yesterday I had track practice in the morning, we ran like 4 miles. Then last night,I had hockey game at 10, we won and I had a sick backhand goal.

I ended up going to bed at 12:30 and had to wake up at 6 am for a track meet. In my track meet I tied my pr (personal record).

Then I got home after the track meet at 6:30 and left at 7 for another hockey game. We tied that game, and now we're going home right now, going to get home at 12.

Then tomorrow I have to get up at like 7:30 for the semi-finals.

Busy, busy weekend. But its all good fun

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2 hour pickup skate at the DCU Center next weekend... Home of the Worcester Ice Cats...I mean Sharks...I mean San Antonio Whatever their names are

Edited by Zylos45
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My 3.5 year old took off like a champ in only her second time on the ice.

She is already able to get up when she falls which only happened a handful of times ..surprisingly.

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First league game ever last night. Awesome mix of players, a, b, c, women. Very fast! And I didn't do anything profoundly stupid!

Dang I love this game!

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After getting rejected last week for a very promising banking position, I managed to secure an offer for the same position (albeit in a different subdivision) yesterday!!! Funny how life works sometimes.

Bay Street, here I come!

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It's not often I get to play competitively with my son, but he was able to join me at a drop in tonight. So much fun & his on the bench coaching me is awesome. Every shift, has what I did in his head, tells me good and needs improvement stuff. Double bonus when the guy that runs the skate told me my son was a great kid, didn't act like an asshat out there(apparently have that issue with young pups regularly) & welcome anytime.

Anyway....good night, fun night.

Edited by EJB
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Went to Total hockey today to get Inlines baked, Ive skates sharpened etc. sat down and looked to my right, Daniel Alfredsson was a few seats over. Didn't want to bother him because he was there with family, but i was pretty geeked

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Got some time away from work, so I dropped a newer engine into the car. Very relaxing. Sore today, though.

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Played a mixed league fun tourney this weekend. Our team was back-to-back champs in 2013 and 2014. Sadly, we dropped our first game and couldn't repeat.

Still made 3rd place of 12 teams.

I played my first game at defense in the 3rd-4th place game. We won 5-2. I was a +3!

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  On 4/27/2015 at 1:56 PM, BenderHockey said:

How did you get upgraded your first time flying?

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First time flying with their status program. I'm on about 20 planes a month, definitely not first time flying ;)

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  On 4/27/2015 at 2:07 PM, BenderHockey said:

Right, I meant first time on Virgin. I only fly like once a year, only on Virgin. Any tips on upgrading?

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Do what I did and get status :) But... Unlikely if you only fly once a year.

In my case I had Virgin status match my Southwest companion pass to their Elevate Gold status. Virgin is the best airline in the country, it's just unfortunate that their list of destinations is so small and that their hub is in such an awkward place. I go to SF a lot, but it pretty much eliminates Virgin as an option for most of my travel :(

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  On 4/27/2015 at 2:07 PM, BenderHockey said:

Right, I meant first time on Virgin. I only fly like once a year, only on Virgin. Any tips on upgrading?

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Some airlines allow you to "buy up" one level.

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I passed my road test! At last! And hey, for a guy who, five years ago, would have a panic attack leaving his own porch, this is a hell of an accomplishment. Now I can properly apply to ambulance companies, and I'm not beholden to rinks that are only located on or near the T!

I mean I'm forbidden from using the family car but that's what zipcar is for.

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