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The Venting Spot

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The mens bathrooms in the St. Pete Times Forum are like a warzone. If penises were rifles, think Band of Brothers.

Can't have a suite every game :(

Edited by larrivee

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I still think the urinal is both the best and worst way to take a leak. If only the backs of dumpsters had sinks to wash up after.

I can't imagine why the urinal hasn't become more uniform like toilets have. Sure, toilets can be different, but you don't have toilets with the water at floor level, or some that slightly envelope you, and others that won't let you get within 2 feet without getting splash back on you.

The best ones IMO are the ones that are fairly tall and go almost to the floor, with a larger basin at the bottom. You can direct the stream downward to not splash, any dripping is caught, the flush won't swirl onto the floor (yes I have seen the chest to floor ones that will flush on your feet), and as long as there's a good divider you don't get any wasted ones from guys needing to leave gaps or short ones for kids.

But noooooo. Everyone needs to use a different style. Tiny ones that just take your piss and shotgun it back into your pants, or short useless ones I have to stand back and wet the floor to use, or shallow ones with no guards that are 10" apart so only half ever get used anyway.

Obviously me and my OCD need to get into the urinal business....

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My wife wanted me to change the baby's diaper at the game last night. I scoped it out and gave her the report- the diaper changing table is surrounded by pools of piss and is currently in use as a drink holder in the handicap stall.

She says "You mean you don't have a bathroom attendant in there? In ours one checks the stalls before the next girl goes in...."

That's what led to the war zone comment.

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Came home from classes today to find all my hockey equipment at the end of the driveway in 50 gallon garbage bags and sticks in a garbage can. I commute to college from home to save money, and my stuff was all stored on a set of shelves or hung from a bar in the very back corner of our basement. Apparently, while cleaning today my mother decided that my gear was taking up too much space, and that, "she needed those shelves." When I start bringing everything back inside she tells me, "It stays in your room, it gets thrown away, or you find it all a new home." So, right now I am attempting to fit four pairs of skates, five pairs of gloves, two helmets, two sets of shins, two sets of elbows, two pairs of shoulder pads, and seven sticks in my room in such a way that I can still live in it. If not the Buy/Sell section is going to have one massive ad go up in the near future...


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  Ahriman said:
You had me on your side til you said you had enough gear to field a 5 man unit.
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from what I've seen, my collection is not even close to what some on this board have accumulated. I have two pairs of inline skates, one good, one for outdoor rinks, and two pairs of ice; my 9ks that I use regularly, and the Shift 2s I bought to try out.

But, that's besides the point... that was a whole lot of money going to the dump if I hadn't come home in time.

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  JoeyJ0506 said:
  Ahriman said:
You had me on your side til you said you had enough gear to field a 5 man unit.
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from what I've seen, my collection is not even close to what some on this board have accumulated. I have two pairs of inline skates, one good, one for outdoor rinks, and two pairs of ice; my 9ks that I use regularly, and the Shift 2s I bought to try out.

But, that's besides the point... that was a whole lot of money going to the dump if I hadn't come home in time.

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most of those people own the house they put that stuff in :P

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  Drewhunz said:
Screw you NBC! Long live Coco!!!
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I am miffed about this. I've been a fan of his for years but never could watch his show. The earlier time along with Hulu having episodes meant I watched him a lot more. Screw Leno, Conan should have stayed.

I was also not super thrilled about the sendoff with Will Ferrel and the couple other guests performing. I know it was more for him, but I was hoping for some grand spectacle.

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  Rustpot said:
  Drewhunz said:
Screw you NBC! Long live Coco!!!
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I am miffed about this. I've been a fan of his for years but never could watch his show. The earlier time along with Hulu having episodes meant I watched him a lot more. Screw Leno, Conan should have stayed.

I was also not super thrilled about the sendoff with Will Ferrel and the couple other guests performing. I know it was more for him, but I was hoping for some grand spectacle.

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Billy Gibbons and Beck playing Freebird is something you aren't going to see too often. Typical Will Ferrell though, every time they cut to a different camera he had to get in front of it.

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  Ahriman said:
  JoeyJ0506 said:
  Ahriman said:
You had me on your side til you said you had enough gear to field a 5 man unit.
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from what I've seen, my collection is not even close to what some on this board have accumulated. I have two pairs of inline skates, one good, one for outdoor rinks, and two pairs of ice; my 9ks that I use regularly, and the Shift 2s I bought to try out.

But, that's besides the point... that was a whole lot of money going to the dump if I hadn't come home in time.

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most of those people own the house they put that stuff in :P

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haha, true enough, true enough. I was able to fit everything in the room and closet and still keep it livable. It is a very tight squeeze though.

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Been a month since knee surgery and still haven't skated. I thought this was going to be an easy one compared to the others but I think I've set myself up to be dissapointed. The calf pain is almost gone now but now dealing with swollen and inflamed bursae. Not playing hockey is starting to make me a crotchity dick. :sad:

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Got sick during the business trip. Then the boot sector on the laptop fails; IT will take a look at it next week. The phone in my cubicle has no connectivity, and IT can't figure out where it is connected onto their server.

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My ex girlfriends best friend tried to make out with me on friday, i told her that wasnt gonna happen so she told my ex that we slept together, needless to say there are quite a few names that i would like to call her at this point in time.

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My girlfriend's inability to understand where money comes from is infuriating. I play D-3 college baseball, with the recession people aren't helping me raise funds as much as in the past, I owe my coach $1200 for our spring trip, and necessary new gear. I only work about 4 hours a week at a campus job, so money is not exactly pouring in.

Christmas was what, a month ago? Valentine's day is February 14th, and her birthday is February 19th. Every day for the past two weeks I keep getting txt messages with random stuff she wants/wants to do for her birthday and Valentine's day. Honestly, the girl is not getting the fact that I have things I want to buy or have to pay for. I have no problem doing something nice for her, but this expecting $150-$200 gifts plus dinner out for both days is getting me frustrated.

"Women, you cant live with them, and they can't pee standing up."

-Rube Baker, Major League II

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  JoeyJ0506 said:
My girlfriend's inability to understand where money comes from is infuriating. I play D-3 college baseball, with the recession people aren't helping me raise funds as much as in the past, I owe my coach $1200 for our spring trip, and necessary new gear. I only work about 4 hours a week at a campus job, so money is not exactly pouring in.

Christmas was what, a month ago? Valentine's day is February 14th, and her birthday is February 19th. Every day for the past two weeks I keep getting txt messages with random stuff she wants/wants to do for her birthday and Valentine's day. Honestly, the girl is not getting the fact that I have things I want to buy or have to pay for. I have no problem doing something nice for her, but this expecting $150-$200 gifts plus dinner out for both days is getting me frustrated.

"Women, you cant live with them, and they can't pee standing up."

-Rube Baker, Major League II

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Hire an assasin. One time payment and your troublesare gone. No, but if she can't understand your needs, I say let her go unless this is a first



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  starsfan71 said:
Whipped best friends, enough said.
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Its gotten to the point where my buddy has to call his girlfriend before he is allowed to do anything, its sickening. Shes not even nice to him at all either, shes a complete b!tch!. Hes not allowed to drink with her there, however she goes out to bars and what not without him? Some girls have issues.

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  skyscrape said:
  starsfan71 said:
Whipped best friends, enough said.
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I second this one! Painful to watch!

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I third, only with my brother.

Me:Hey want to goto the high school game this friday?

Brother: No, girlfreind has to work.

You know its bad when they cant do anything even when there isnt plans.

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