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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpening costs

Sharpening cost  

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I am kind of curios what the prices are these days around the world.

Last summer in Amsterdam it was about 10 dollars and now heading to Australia this summer wondering what people charge around the world.

Could you put where your from and what you think the conversion would be to Canadian funds?

And not really interested if there bad........

If you would like to compliment someone local that would be fine (No promoting of shops as its against MSH rules) but if there is a particular person there that goes above and beyond.

NOTE: I guess I forgot to add this but will you pay more for a quality job? Or do you look for the best price?

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Sorry, I wondered what happened. I need to be more careful anyways, I've noticed I tend to double post when posting from work. No worries.

Was just saying that the LHS charges right around $5 and one of the public rinks charges $12. Safe to say I show up early before games to have the LHS do it....for multiple reasons.

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Free. (I have a Blackstone)

LHS charges 3 for regular sharpening, 5 for FBV.

Nice. Where'd you get the free Blackstone?

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I think the LHS just upped it to $8 (GTA area). Been increased about 4 times in the last year and a half, they do give the best ones around but it is getting a little ridiculous.

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Here in aus i think its 10 for roh, 15 for fbv. Add maybe another 10 in petrol to get to the nearest sharpener. I cant remember exactly ive been lazy, and cheap, and haven't got my skates sharpened for awhile..

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Tekst - you must be in sydney/melbourne, As far as i know nobody on the Gold coast/brisbane does FBV...

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The pro-shop at the rink where I play at (The Rinks, Lakewood, CA) charges $10!!! :sad: But my buds at my LHS take care of me. :smile:

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At the shop I go to, $7 for player skates and I think $9 for goalie? Around where I've been it's usually between $5 - $8 for player skates, more expensive for goalie skates. I think the price has crept up slightly over the past few years, I swear I remember it being $5 for player and $7 for goalie at my rink. Dunno about FBV.

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I would pay $2 more for the better and more consistent sharpening, especially since with the Bauer 2.1 and with the Step Lightspeed XL blades the sharpenings have been lasting longer.

I've had some bad sharpenings, including wrong ROH and uneven edges, at the cheaper places.

But one of the more expensive places in town informed me that my preferred radius (1" to 1+1/4") didn't exist, and gave me a ROH of 1/2" on my brand-new skates. Just the way the sharpener rolled his eyes before just turning around pissed me off, after the guy who got and sold me the skates had done such a fantastic job.

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Here in aus i think its 10 for roh, 15 for fbv. Add maybe another 10 in petrol to get to the nearest sharpener. I cant remember exactly ive been lazy, and cheap, and haven't got my skates sharpened for awhile..

Where do you live? I want to get FBV too

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