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Ccm Jetspeed skates Vs Bauer MX3

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Anyone get the chance to compare these two yet? Or any thoughts on them? Currently have the X7.0's and looking for an upgrade, was going to go for the MX3's or maybe 1X's but have heard great things about the jet speeds.

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Opinions and performance will vary greatly depending on fit. If the Jetspeed fits you better you are like like it more and think it's a better overall skate and vice versa.

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Seriously. It's like saying a modern/slim fit suit is superior to an executive cut suit. They could be the same quality but it really depends on the body type of the person wearing it.

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Slim fit suits are better because they way fewer grams than comparable executive cut suits. I'm eyeing up some pro-stock for sale on PHEW right now.

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Be careful, that pro stock suit might be an executive cut dressed to look like a slim cut. Make sure you check the factory codes on the inside! :P

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Anyone tryout the JetSpeed Skates yet who have also skated in the Supreme skate? I have two sons in Supreme skates who skate well in them but my third son just doesn't get going in the Supreme skates unless we get more pitch in them with shims and profiling. The fit is right, just not the pitch. Would the JetSpeeds have a little more pitch than the Supreme skates? Do they fit similar? I am reading that they should be a close fit to each other.

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It appears they're on the SB 4.0 holder, same as other CCM skates, and thus should be a bit more pitched forward than the Supremes. A very small bit though. If you have to both shim and profile to get enough pitch for him on the supremes, you'll probably have to do the same on the CCMs, but to a lesser extent.

CCMs also have a longer 10' radius on the steel versus the 9' on Bauers which could affect his skating in a different way too.

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Hopefully they have demos available in the JetSpeeds. My son has been in Mako's with a 9/10 profile but has been having problems with the outside of his feet against the side wall of the skate. I think the padding wears down and he is left pushing off of the composite wall only.

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Would be worthwhile to just slip him in whatever skates fit him best, and spend the money on the shims and profiling instead. No point changing into a skate that doesn't fit his foot shape just because it's profiled a little more correctly.

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The 4.0 holder does not have pitch, nor does the runners, so don't bank on getting anything out of those. As syinx said above, just get the skate that fits and profile the amount of pitch needed. Such an easy adjustment to do.

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The 4.0 holder does not have pitch, nor does the runners, so don't bank on getting anything out of those. As syinx said above, just get the skate that fits and profile the amount of pitch needed. Such an easy adjustment to do.

Agreed. The only mass market skate out there that will significantly change pitch is Easton's mako line. If you don't like the Makos, it still might be worth a shot to try out the CXN holders on the Supremes and see if your son likes them.

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OrrSmith, I've gotten confirmation from 2 retailers that there will be demos for the jetspeed.

Sounds good. I will definately get him to demo them. Sometimes walking around the store in the skates just doesn't cut it. If he is changing from the Mako skate, it will be good to skate in the JetSpeed to see if it is anywhere close to workable especially coming from a Mako skate. Who knows, maybe he will end up getting Mako's again.

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Just got my Jetspeeds yesterday. The fit seems similar, however I feel like the Jetspeeds wrap my feet a little more. Usually measure up a EE, but they seemed too wide so I went with the D. Little bit of pinching on my pinky toe, but I put my Bauer Speed Plates in the skates, switched to a thinner sock and any pinching I had was gone.

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Just got my Jetspeeds yesterday. The fit seems similar, however I feel like the Jetspeeds wrap my feet a little more. Usually measure up a EE, but they seemed too wide so I went with the D. Little bit of pinching on my pinky toe, but I put my Bauer Speed Plates in the skates, switched to a thinner sock and any pinching I had was gone.

Was just about to say this. The Jetspeeds seem to wrap around the top of the foot much better than the Supremes. The heels are also narrower. They felt great, but my foot is more suited for the Ribcor. I could wear the Jetspeed if I had to though, with zero issues.

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Hey all, I need a new pair of skates and I was thinking about the Bauer Supreme MX3 or the new CCM Jetspeed skate? Which skate is the best?

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