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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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i haven't noticed it in my vision, but it is a little better for airflow I think, and the ear loops can flip out all the way which is a nice luxury when putting it on my big head.. I like it more for the light tint. helps my sensitive eyes.

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Scored again. Two pair of pro style 2pc (padded lower shell like the Tackla NHL pro pants... not the 9K style) pants.



Edited by Too Old

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i haven't noticed it in my vision, but it is a little better for airflow I think, and the ear loops can flip out all the way which is a nice luxury when putting it on my big head.. I like it more for the light tint. helps my sensitive eyes.

didnt even think about the ear loop thing thats a great point

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Scored again. Another pair of pro style 2pc (padded lower shell like the Tackla NHL pro pants... not the 9K style) pants.

These look exactly like my black RBK branded ones, I believe they're rebranded Jofa's. Brilliant pants.

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Too Old:

What size the red wings bauer x60 pros??? I like how the cuff is lower than the cuff would be on any 15" glove, 4 rolls or x60 pros.....is this a smaller glove or a pro stock option to have the cuff a bit lower??

Edited by Drewhunz
Stupidity bordering on retardation

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WHat size the bauer x60 pros??? I like how the cuff is lower than the cuff would be on any 15" glove, 4 rolls or x60 pros.....is this a smaller glove or a pro stock option to have the cuff a bit lower??

WHat size the red wings bauer x60 pros??? I like how the cuff is lower than the cuff would be on any 15" glove, 4 rolls or x60 pros.....is this a smaller glove or a pro stock option to have the cuff a bit lower??

I realize you are new here but PLEASE don't quote an entire post of pictures. My internet hurts now.

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Too Old:

What size the red wings bauer x60 pros??? I like how the cuff is lower than the cuff would be on any 15" glove, 4 rolls or x60 pros.....is this a smaller glove or a pro stock option to have the cuff a bit lower??

They're some Hudler returns. They're a 14" glove but they fit pretty snug. I had a pair of Rafalski return M1 Missions that were also supposedly 14" gloves that fit like these... snug.

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I used to have the pro Itech equiv's and they were great. I love that type of visor.

I like that it comes down further on my face and gets closer at the bottom, so it's barely in my vision.

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They're some Hudler returns. They're a 14" glove but they fit pretty snug. I had a pair of Rafalski return M1 Missions that were also supposedly 14" gloves that fit like these... snug.

The M1's are 14in. long but the fingers are not as long as other 14in. gloves, but definatly a very padded and snug fit.

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Drew, any time an updated family pic becomes available, I'm sure we'd all love to see it.

I'll give this one up for now. Let's see how long it takes before someone else watermarks it as their own.


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Made a trip to the Hockey Town Authentics outlet in the Joe during last night's game. Picked up these beauties.





In that last picture, the curve on the far left is a Kovalev curve on my Widow for comparison.

I also had to take a vast amount of Goo-Gone to take all the tape residue off the shaft. Apparently Eaves is a fan of rubbing black tape on the shaft to the point where you couldn't see the "S19" at the bottom before I cleaned it up.

Edited by twistoffate19

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Made a trip to the Hockey Town Authentics outlet in the Joe during last night's game. Picked up these beauties.

In that last picture, the curve on the far left is a Kovalev curve on my Widow for comparison.

I also had to take a vast amount of Goo-Gone to take all the tape residue off the shaft. Apparently Eaves is a fan of rubbing black tape on the shaft to the point where you couldn't see the "S19" at the bottom before I cleaned it up.

Nice pick up! I thought he had more curve than that whenever I see him in the games. What's the flex like on those and are they true S19's or dressed up SE16's?

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Huge thanks to fastbrother7 for selling me these and for incredibly quick shipping. just waiting on steel, can't wait to get them on the ice.

Edited by dsjunior1388

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From the 3rd pic it appears they are SE16s.

They are actually S19's (I'll try and get a better pic of the taper later). Regarding the flex, it is hard to say for sure. When I got them, they were really short. I put a 12 inch extension to get it to the length I normally use (which is about 1.5" longer than retail). They way they feel after doing that is about a 95-100. The curve is a lot nastier in person. The pictures don't show it as well I'd hoped, but it is a nasty curve. Can't wait to try them.

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I also bought a stick from hockeytown authentics in the joe but at wed night game. Didnt see any eaves at all. Seemed they were all lefties and from miller, kronwall, stuie, hudler and salei. i did like the price though! Ended up getting the best looking hudler they had. This one didnt have as much tape residue as twistoffate stated. Take it you did not notice the used pro stock edge game socks they had there did ya?

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Nope I didn't see the socks. I was too busy marveling at how small Kronwall's feet are. I was one of the first people through the doors for the game and I booked to HTA to get those Eaves sticks. They were behind the counter with my name on them for most of the night. I will say if I was a lefty, as much as I despise Hudler, I'd have picked up some of his too.

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Haha got the same Eagle's except i got the PPF's...same green though. For the price we paid (pretty sure it was from the same buyer...), can't really go wrong!

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