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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Reebok had it. Now CCM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jofa
  2. I think it's about time to close this one up. There's no need to promote this kind of junk here.
  3. Many goalies have practice gloves that have a lot of extra padding in them that would make them difficult to use in a game. Just think about how many pucks a goalie would see in a practice compared to a game. With that in mind, goalies usually have two game gloves that they either swap out every game, every period, or whenever they feel like (just using the second glove as a backup). It's possible Halak uses one every period, or one of them is his practice glove. All different scenarios why a goalie would have two (or three) gloves and it just depends on the goalie.
  4. Just the ones who have been eliminated from the playoffs.
  5. We're single elimination. There was no accident in scheduling. It's just an exhibition game. So we get 19 games (16+playoffs) regardless of whether we're eliminated in the first playoff game, or win the championship. Our league has a schedule too.
  6. Hahaha well sorta. Definitely something I'm not surprised is painful after not doing it for so long! 8.5D My shoe size went from an 11 in sneakers and 10.5 in dress shoes and hiking boots, down to a 10.5 for sneakers and 10 in dress shoes/boots. Though to be fair I think the 11 was always on the bigger side, I just found them more comfortable.
  7. Yeah, can’t hurt. Maybe they just need a minor adjustment.
  8. I'm flying from San Diego 🙂
  9. You definitely described it better than I did 🙂
  10. Man, I don't know if its being spoiled by my VH, my foot size shrinking after my weight loss (I'm routinely wearing shoes half a size smaller now), or just that the padding has broken down - but I skated on player skates for the first time in 6+ months on Tuesday night and my feet were killing me for the first half. Maybe that's more me than the skates (because of how long it had been since I used those muscles) but I have to decide if I'm going to start skating out (in pickups) routinely. If so, it may be time to get some new wheels. I wonder if I'd fit in size 8 Makos (assuming I could find some).
  11. It's an opportunity to hang out and get to know the other MSH members.
  12. $135. Skill level all across the board. It's not a game, it's more of a pickup. Of course, the skate is the lowest on the list of reasons to attend 🙂
  13. Maybe it's an American thing? Neither TSN nor Sportsnet/CBC do them.
  14. Merged this into another CCM Pro Stock Pants thread to keep all the info in one place. I just ordered a pair of HP45 pro stock pants to give them a try. My old Bauers have a big hole from where I tried to get them over my skates without my guards still on (I put my pants on after socks/shins/skates). It was either repair them or buy new pants. Decided repairing low end pants probably wasn't worth the effort.
  15. I couldn’t ever listen to Doc. Just irritating. With Pierre it’s more the random things he says while the play is going on. Once you notice that he does it, it’s impossible to ignore. Also the interviews with the coaches during the game is ridiculous. That’s gotta be beyond irritating for them.
  16. Contact them. If it wasn’t too long ago they may honor the coupon. Never know unless you ask.
  17. Really? He ruins every game I watch 😞
  18. I use NHL.tv so was able to watch the Sportsnet/CBC broadcasts. I’ve never heard of the guy you mention but I usually avoid NBC like the plague. Happy to see the Blues moving on. I honestly didn’t care who won this series but once it was clear St. Louis was dominating I was more than happy to get behind them. They’re a great story this year, and considering the laughs Bozak got from just about everyone, including me, when he said he joined St. Louis to win a cup, I’m rooting for him too. Binnington is obviously also a great story, as is their rise from last place back in January.
  19. I was all ready to offer feedback until I read that you already had the editing part itself figured out so... sorry, no help here. Would like to know if you find something, though.
  20. Warrior Alpha DX Elbow Pads First pair of elbow pads since the original white Warrior Projekt that I’ve actually found comfortable. Tried them on at Winterfest and loved the feel. Bought them as soon as I saw the email that they were available. I’m not so sure about the sizing though. I bought a Large (my white Projekt size Medium was perfect but apparently those fit big, because the blue Projekt in medium were way too small and most size medium elbows from most brands in the store also felt a bit tight.) but while they feel comfortable, there is no gap at all at the forearm which while I assume is a good thing for protection, I feel like I couldn’t really pull the straps as tight as I might otherwise. Also the forearms on these are REALLY long. They go almost to my wrist. Again, probably not a bad thing protection-wise but still very different from what I’m used to. I dunno, should I order some mediums and just send one of the pairs back once I’ve been able to try both?
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