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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. I don’t think they have enough customers to be worth an acquisition. It’s a nice niche product, but not at the level that a company would want to acquire them, especially if they are not going to use the technology
  2. I think he’s faulting true because their “fix” was just to use padded material to stuff the toe box. I’m pretty sure the LHS didn’t say “just stuff material in the toe box”
  3. Odd that they advertise 30% off the best sticks ever made, but show pictures of 4 other sticks
  4. you’re more the sniper than the speed guy
  5. I originally looked the word up some time ago and it is also a norwegian word that has several uses, some of which have to do with actions that could be used in hockey. Can’t confirm this is what it’s from
  6. Whole thing seems very exaggerated. Love the “call for special pricing” on the gloves, only for them to list the special pricing the next sentence
  7. He is also now in a Warrior bucket at camp too, so seems he’s fully made the switch. Asked him how he was liking the warrior gear and he said he loved it. Didn’t want to ask him any of the business end stuff however
  8. Yes, it’s mostly the shape I think. Fits my head great (pro model) and feels amazing so I’m totally happy, but Im probably going to not score many points on the runway
  9. Interesting to see if it caries into the season. Makes sense if he likes the stuff as warrior is local
  10. I’m just stating my observation, but I guess you’re point of view is the only one that matters here
  11. You’re way overstating a level of “free promotion” vs how much the product sells itself. Most of the posts in this thread have been questions and answers. Is it The sites fault most people who have bought one are satisfied? JR hasn’t promoted the machine at all, if anything it competes with his own business. the most recent posts you have responded after are someone listing pros and cons, and another person mentioning they’d have a hard time spending the current price on it......
  12. Weakening the product enough to get down to the 70$ price point and still maintain some margins would be a very bad idea actually imo. It would create inventory nightmares, ramped up production, and all sorts of other issues. There’s people right now that bust 300$ sticks in the first game/month, imagine a weaker stick. Some people would be breaking multiple in a game.
  13. I disagree that it’s not a true girdle. It’s a lot closer to the ones I grew up using than the Tacks ones I use now.
  14. The makos I wear I can get them on without baking, but they are definitely not too wide, if anything they could use to be a bit wider, particularly in the forefoot.
  15. The owners wanted a financially stable and healthy league. It was the NHLPAs refusal to see that the salary cap was the best way to do this, and that it was ultimately good for the sport to have teams on equal playing fields in terms of market viability. Personally, I blame the NHLPA leadership more for the lost season, and first lockout.
  16. Actually I’d argue with the increased focus on goalie interference and contact with goalies, the leagues become safer in that regard as well. I don’t think there’s been an increase in goalie injuries due to slight modifications in goaltender pad size, the pads are plenty big enough to safely stop pucks.
  17. Exactly. Bettman is the easy guy to blame, but he’s made the game much more profitable, grown the league to more markets, and negotiated better TV deals for the sport. Hockey’s in a better spot nationally now than it was before him. Everyone hates the lockouts, but the blame doesn’t fall solely on him.
  18. I understand and agree with parts of what you’re saying, it just sounds kind of odd coming from the guy who makes one of these kinds of posts seemingly every month.
  19. And here I thought this was the marsblade thread 😉
  20. How is the overall assessment higher than the individual parts? Seems very suspect
  21. Only tried Fire for about 6 skates. Way prefer a true FBV
  22. Your situation pretty much sums up why I’ve never even gotten to the point of trying one of these sticks. Just bought an EK15 for 90$.
  23. He went from 6 goals to 43 goals, so maybe he just wasn’t doing it right before.
  24. So maybe they are bringing back another dodge skate ;)
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