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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. The CCM return/exchange is 90 days satisfaction guaranteed and you can return them for any reason. It's the best in the business. You could use them for 89 days and then say, i dont want them and the store will return them and send them back to CCM.
  2. I wear these. They are listed as a compression sock but I dont really consider them a compression sock as they are not overly tight. https://zenkaisports.com/products/zenkai-hockey-compression-lace-bite-sock/
  3. Typically they use the larger of the two sizes
  4. I would say it shares the same DNA as the Alpha but the fit is a lower profile and is not a one-piece shell like the Alpha. If you like the Alpha but felt it was maybe too boxy or sits too high on your head, this would be a good option.
  5. I am meticulous when mounting holders so I can assure you no damage was done when I attached or removed the holders. To me it seems like the holders are too rigid and don't allow any flexibility which puts the holder undr too much tension. This rmght be be by design though since there is the cantilever inside that moves. The reason I removed them is I noticed one of the holders mounting holes was starting to become deformed and I was also noticing the rivet holes in my TRUE skate were stretching a bit.
  6. These are my MarsBlade Holders after only 80 hours of ice time. I am quite disappointed in how they are holding up. MarsBlade Holders after 80 hours of ice time https://imgur.com/gallery/cc7kDq5
  7. What is the main difference between the standard retail model and the PS100 specifically? I know you can attach a vacuum to the PS100 but is there any other significant differences? Our store is considering doing a loaner/lease program to the hockey association for the 16U and 18U AAA teams where they rent the Sparx units from us for a month payment and are responsible for the costs of the rings which the cost will be shared between the parents. Would the standard retail machines be able to handle this type of work load? I assume they would be sharpening about 20 pairs of skates multiple times a week between the players and coaches.
  8. Got the email this morning that customers can order the new 2X Pro Custom ahead of the retail launch. https://www.bauer.com/en-US/my-bauer-landing-page.html/customize-ice-hockey-skates/mybauer-skates-654081.html?utm_campaign=190515_MyBauer_Skate_Launch_Email_Skates&utm_medium=email&_bta_tid=31004467451401964510468484264612864722502288374797775862347977807868859028825235240321723250549174179765761&family=Vapor2XPro&selected=true%3Futm_source%3Dbronto&utm_content=190515_MyBauer_Skate_Launch_Email_Skates
  9. I'm interested in hearing if anyone has had the motor or components in their Sparx fail?
  10. I thought Warrior wanted to start manufacturing everything in Mexico?
  11. The 2S is more traditional and the 2S Pro is the flexion tendon. The 2S is going to be the more durable of the two but if you believe the marketing from Bauer, the 2S Pro tendon will give you a better range of motion.
  12. I would definitely pick the NXG over the S29, regardless of the tendon. It's just a better skate overall.
  13. You are absolutely an exception to what I have seen. I have repaired far too many tendons on the NXG, MX3 and 1S. Some of it is caused by the player improperly removing their skates but many times its due to impact from sticks, pucks, skates, or other items. I have even seen some player who have very long skating strides wear them out over time just by the force of flexion.
  14. I am not sure I would agree the AS1 is not worth its price point. If the skate fits the player properly, provides the performance they are expecting and the player is ok with the skate maybe not lasting as long as other brands then I think it's fine for them. Let's be honest, 90% of people who buy custom skates at the retail stores do not require a skate of that level its utterly a waste of money unless they need something custom because they have specific needs due to their feet dynamics. I would even be bold enough to say that most people buying custom skates are actually doing more harm than good as they cannot even take advantage of the stiffness of a custom skate as they just dont have the skating ability.
  15. I agree with this. As someone who owns a shop that caters to a lot of players of all levels, who prefer to purchase a high volume of custom skates. In my experience, Bauer and CCM do show wear more rapidly than TRUE. There is a significant difference in the materials used between each of the companies and I dont consider one better than another in regards to performance. However, the best skate for each individual is the brand that fits the customer the best and provides them with the performance and feel they are expecting.
  16. I have to agree. I will also add that its a matter of opinion Is BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche or Tesla better than one another?
  17. If you are looking at top spec skates why not go full custom and get something like TRUE? Especially since you have two significantly different sized feet.
  18. What ever happened to this company? Did they go out of business? Is anyone else making a similar product?
  19. They are slightly thicker the whole way through. This is Flare stainless, BladeTech, RamonEdge, and Flare DLC. I have some digital calipers at the shop so I can take pics showing the specific measurements.
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