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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Buzz_LightBeer

  1. If you look at the EZ Sharp diamond, there is a yellow indicator line for guidance. There should be a few of those, the further you move the diamond from the wheel, the shallower the radius
  2. As long as the motor is good, seems like a good price to me
  3. Warrior has it available in pro stocks. true has it available in summer as the TC6
  4. https://wissota.com/product/911-diamond-wheel-dresser/
  5. I don’t think it’s an EZ Sharp, but the diamonds look reasonably similar
  6. Didn’t the HyperLites incorporate the smaller Mako style asymmetrical toe box? MyFT4 in D feel plenty roomy
  7. https://www.ebay.com/itm/324864161773?hash=item4ba369b7ed:g:P2AAAMXQEgpTD9AK Is this the one to which you're referring? if so, this is plenty good for that application. Just make sure you keep dust off the magnet and element, sometimes it'll throw off the readings
  8. There’s a lot going on here with David’s shoulders. CCM belly pad, Old school Jofa chest pad, Reebok shoulder caps…
  9. Used but great shape Charron stick, RH Trigger with JetSpeed FT2 dressing. E shaft with asymmetrical taper. Dimpled grip, I’m told it’s a clone or similar to the Setoguchi pattern. 58” heel to butt end. 80 flex. looking to get $100 plus shipping, but taking offers. Would love to trade for a P71 CCM under 85 flex in similar condition.
  10. I don’t recall all the details, but the Boron Spine was built into the shaft, which made it flex differently on the forehand as opposed to the backhand. I suppose I’m theory you could remove the blade and use it upside down (in regards to the graphics
  11. Concave on both. I recently had a blue variant, I removed the blade and replaced with a tapered one no problem
  12. That’s a shame. Met the family a few times at the SFS show, very nice group
  13. https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/pants-girdles-shells/player-pants/4333251-ccm-vancouver-canucks-hockey-pants-pro-stock?referral_code=Zydo441 like these?
  14. More importantly where did you find this? 😳
  15. All the Novius OPS I’ve had were tapered, but keep in mind the shaft is hand specific.
  16. I’ve replaced rivets with MLX screws in thin boots (Mako, MLX, True VH) for years. Primarily for college or AAA guys who were fed up with losing rivets weekly. if you run out of options send me a PM https://www.instagram.com/p/BgjyDyNh7tK/?utm_medium=copy_link
  17. This was on IG from tonight, for your diagnosing pleasure
  18. I've noticed a few, not many, issues like that but only when they're not at room temperature. Either warm from sharpening or cold from being on ice. But of course it could be an alignment issue for the OP as well
  19. Largely its a personal preference thing. My skates fit similarly to yours and i prefer them that way. you could try opening up the heel area around the tendon guard prior to putting them on, it may help your heel seat back in the skate prior to lacing them. You wouldn't have to overdo it on the tightening that way as well
  20. Figure skaters use a supplement tongue sponge foam quite a bit as well, though I’m not able to find them online at the moment
  21. http://hockey.elitesportsgroup.com/en/progel-lace-bite-gel-pad/ something like this perhaps?
  22. Have you looked into Raven? I believe they use Sr or larger than junior blades as well. They were immensely popular when I was in the retail gig.
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