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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Buzz_LightBeer

  1. https://eaglehockey.com/product/pants/aero-custom-pro/ Eagle Customs direct available now, -1" or -2"
  2. There’s a Free Stuff thread on this site as well
  3. Any high volume retail place could order P-50 CCM team sticks far less expensive than Bauer custom.
  4. Maybe a 65 RibCore team would be perfect once you trim it
  5. If you're a lefty, i tried the BC20 from Base, it's about the closest thing I've found. Though its more similar to the old wood variation IMO
  6. Step does stainless XS, I'm also a fan of TyDan
  7. Rubber/Clay stone works well on that finish https://howieshockeytape.com/products/rubber-skate-stone?_pos=2&_sid=e77362d25&_ss=r
  8. I only did a little reading so please tell me if I’ve missed something with that condition; but if I had to make an educated guess, a stiff newer composite boot might be the last thing you want to go to in that condition, wouldn’t the rigid boot make it worse? and speaking generally, I’ve found newer stiffer boots are tough for coaching because any activity in those boots where you’re primarily standing and not moving is painful in any situation. have you had any boot in the pst that was tolerable for your condition? the first skate that comes to mind for me would be to look for older Graf 707, with doubled up thin skate socks. It would allow your foot some cushion and reduce rubbing and chafing of tour feet. (I suggest that, because up until about 10 years ago Graf would accommodate most any customizations for players.
  9. Asymmetrical toe boxes, and the flexible sole are the big ones
  10. Not a coincidence, I borrowed it almost verbatim 😁
  11. Got a chance to hold the skate today. like I said, a lot of Mako similarities, and I thought they somewhat repackaged the original MLX tongue and went with it. I wasn’t able to walk around in it to gauge the feel of the flexible sole at all, not that you would without physically skating on it. I am a fan of the tongue and heel wicking type material. I would definitely try them on before buying sight unseen, I generally take 8/8.5 fit 3 and an 8 fit 2 was significantly smaller and tighter than I was expecting. The Carbon steel, however, can hop on the 405, get off on Sunset, use Waze so it doesn’t get turned around and end up in Marina del Rey, and go straight to hell where it belongs. I just don’t see it. It’s light, that’s about it. It’s not clear if there is any steel/carbon anchoring akin to rocket runners, it appears they are two pieces held together with resin or some medium. I see durability being a massive issue here. A problem compounded by the cost.
  12. Good news for Mako fans, more of that tech is creeping into the Vapor
  13. Just what new Bauer skates needed most; brutally ugly graphics and a new generation of brittle, breakable steel. Maybe an illusion but that holder looks too small or too biased forward for the boot.
  14. Oakley Visor stickers, retail. 3 per color Warrior End Caps, new $10 each, shipping will be cheap
  15. Bump, holders are now attached https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/skates/player-skates/2916268-bauer-supreme-2s-pro-9ee-pro-stock-hockey-skates
  16. A few sticks up for sale, info in my SLS locker, willing to take reasonable offers and work on shipping costs https://sidelineswap.com/Zydo (2) Trigger 4, 75 LH P28M, retail height, grip, brand new, $325 (2) Vapor FlyLite, 77 LH P28M, retail plus 4", brand new, $325 (1) Vapor FlyLite retail, Sr 70 flex P28, $179
  17. I feel like they had a round bar version (4500/5100) and flat bar (7500/9900) and the only difference was the helmet it was sold as a combo on. I may be misremembering though
  18. If you want durability, but can compromise on skate pockets, the 851 can't be beat imo https://jrzglobalsports.com/hockey-bags
  19. I’ve had a few recently that are definitely 4” Comp plugs. If you cut off more than 4” you can see where the tenon is doubled in the shaft. A 1X Lite and a Vapor ADV. you can see where the fuse point is painted over and you can remover the tenon as well.
  20. 4” fused composite plug i believe CCM, Warrior and True all offer legitimate length of shaft customization, but I’ve been out of the custom game for a while
  21. Int the middle half of the blade like that, I’d consider giving a few extra passes, and even running the honing stone along the edges before and after. if it had been towards the ends, I’d be less concerned.
  22. I did, once. Felt like I was wearing an egg carton on my head
  23. That makes a lot more sense, it looked like plastic inserts that could fall off
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