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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Buzz_LightBeer

  1. Like the title says, New MLX boots, new 272 Edge holders attached. Some minor flaws, a few extra hole in boot, light use on LS2 steel, scuffs from storage. All are solid, no structural compromise. Pics to follow $250 shipped to your door in the US, open to offers
  2. When were they ordered? And when did you take receipt? how many times have you worn them? Did you not notice the size discrepancy when you first got them? true, the shop from which you ordered should be handling these issues, but if you’ve had them for quite a while, that’s the biggest thing that may be working against you in that regard
  3. They were Grafs most flexible skate by far. I believe they were designed for Fedorov rehabbing an ankle injury.
  4. Maybe scour SLS and eBay for some 707’s?
  5. Blue Sports has them in loose and tight fit. Where you find Blue Sports in stock is anyones guess https://www.blue-sports.com/product/compression-jock-short-with-garter-belt-senior-small/
  6. Imo the scan had me at 8.75 and erred to the 9D. Personally I would’ve opted smaller because I like skates tight. But short answer yes, size for size
  7. I was a nexus guy, skated in both supreme EE, and D (with some discomfort(, and got fitted for FT4 D, with surprisingly no width issues. May not be the same for everyone, just my experience
  8. https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/sticks/4415856-bauer-new-2-pack-vapor-adv-flylite-dress-lh-77-flex-p46-stick-em-grip?referral_code=Zydo441 something like this
  9. A P46 in a pro stick may be a transition
  10. The 2-piece Bauer/Cooper style pants are tanks as well and very padded in the rear/hip
  11. Solid week of vintage pickups
  12. maybe a pant upgrade in conjunction with a pair of sliding shorts, what s your current pant? https://www.shockdoctor.com/products/core-padded-sliding-short-ice-dragon?variant=41161381609644
  13. Then yes, your gauges should get the job done with some degree of accuracy. You'll probably want to replace that wheel right away, put some Kroil or similar on the screw for dressing, and Turtle Wax the table surface (on second look, maybe a wire wheel to knock that rust off, then a Turtle Wax polish)
  14. https://prosharp.us/collections/accessories/products/hollow-thickness-checker this would work as well
  15. Correct, once your radius is set, move the diamond closer until you get a full dress. I would then make a habit of back ing it off some, or all the way so you dont ram the diamond into the wheel by mistake. Blademaster sells a radius gauge that would help you calibrate where you need the diamond to be for a certain hollow
  16. It looks like turning the diamond to move it in and out sets the radius. The larger thumb wheel should move the articulating arm closer to the wheel as you dress up and down on it. so, set the radius on the diamond, then move it towards the wheel until it starts dressing it
  17. If you look at the EZ Sharp diamond, there is a yellow indicator line for guidance. There should be a few of those, the further you move the diamond from the wheel, the shallower the radius
  18. As long as the motor is good, seems like a good price to me
  19. Warrior has it available in pro stocks. true has it available in summer as the TC6
  20. https://wissota.com/product/911-diamond-wheel-dresser/
  21. I don’t think it’s an EZ Sharp, but the diamonds look reasonably similar
  22. Didn’t the HyperLites incorporate the smaller Mako style asymmetrical toe box? MyFT4 in D feel plenty roomy
  23. https://www.ebay.com/itm/324864161773?hash=item4ba369b7ed:g:P2AAAMXQEgpTD9AK Is this the one to which you're referring? if so, this is plenty good for that application. Just make sure you keep dust off the magnet and element, sometimes it'll throw off the readings
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