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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by the_game

  1. I have a ton of Bauer Tapered replacement blades and decent stock of tapered Easton's & Bauer shafts but I always felt like those companies never did anything to improve the tech in their shaft options. Was hoping to try a True Tapered shaft as I figured if anyone was to actually the design for a two piece it would be True.
  2. Great news! When I went 6 or so months after surgery to skate it was so awesome just to be on the ice again and then absolutely humbling realizing how out of shape you are, ha!
  3. Who brought their kid to play net in a mens league game? That goalie is barely taller than the crossbar!
  4. The biggest 'Infomercial' selling point that makes my ears perk up is when I hear 'makes toe drags a breeze!' You see it all the time with blade patterns and now apparently there is tape too! You know what makes you better at toe drags, or any other move or stickhandling in general, practice. But sure drop $15 on a few rolls of tape. I'm waiting for the Bobby Orr Blade tape where you can glue wood onto your composite blades and have 1 strip of tape, ideal for those end to end rushes
  5. I had c3-c4, c4-c5, & c5-c6 fused. Also experienced a lot of similar things to what you’re describing, my pain started out in my trap/shoulder and spread quite rapidly over a month. Just a dull ache/pain from my trap/shoulder down the backside of my tricep. Fingers, ring & pinky where def tingly or just felt off, holding a pen/trying to write was a chore, dexterity was just off. Also they we’re always cold. I lost grip strength in my hand, def could feel losing Strength it in my tricep and my chest. Again not trying to scare you but like I said any time I hear this stuff I urge people to get checked out. Def sounds as if something is pinched so I would push to get care focused in and around that. Neck MRI was no dye, just a small tube so it sucked considering I’m claustrophobic. But I was willing to put up with that to find out what was wrong ha. if you’ve got any questions don’t hesitate to hit me up and I hope you can this looked at and straightened out with minimal issues!
  6. I'm in the camp of getting to an Ortho as soon as you can, ideally getting an MRI of your neck. I've got 3 levels of my neck fused together and a titanium plate so when anyone starts mentioning any of the symptoms I had before my surgery I always tell them to get it looked at ASAP. Not trying to scare you or anything but like everyone says if you don't get this addressed the nerve damage can really mess things up and living in pain really does take its toll. My only other piece of wisdom here is to push for the health care you want & need. Push to see an Ortho, push for an MRI, push for second opinions, etc. etc. etc. The healthcare system can kinda suck and some providers just want to shuffle you along, pass you off to PT, or give you pain meds or make you go to PT for 8 weeks before they'll see you again. Definitely be your own best advocate and if you want something or you're getting info you don't think is right, speak up for yourself and ask for you what you want.
  7. Hey everybody used Mylec blades when I first started playing street hockey as a kid in the early 90's, if Bauer can pick up that market share they might be onto something!
  8. Yea I spoke to the guy who wore these skates, he confirmed they're an early Marsblade Prototype. These chassis will be geared towards handling actual game play and not just training.
  9. Once you decide what tiles to go with, please let me know if you have a room to rent or ever list your place on Airbnb.
  10. Improved stick skills aside, just curious if you actually saw any improvement in your skating? That was the biggest improvement I saw, shortening my stick pulled my body down so to speak. Knees were bent more, ass & hips pulled down, center of gravity lowered, overall hockey 'posture' improved.
  11. I thought I heard through the grapevine that the custom stick options for colleges were extremely limited this year. Could explain why this spec sheet is hard to find.
  12. We never landed on the moon, it was all faked & done on a sound stage by Stanley Kubrick, therefore we’ll never have personally moldable composite blades in hockey. At this point probably 90% of the people playing hockey, maybe more, know about curving your own stick like some of us did with wood blades. Not to mention most of that group have been indoctrinated to the P92 or P28, frankly I don’t see a reason for the manufacturers to even explore this. Would a crazy John leclair heel curve benefit any player or provide better shooting or stickhandling than a P28? I love the idea and would love to see it, I just don’t see it coming to fruition in today’s gear market.
  13. There's only one solution, move off the island, ha! Here are my answers: A. anywhere from 5 minutes to 35 minutes. B. 5 or 10 minutes As an ex-Long Islander I can see where you're coming from. I dread any time I have to go back there, the time it takes to get anywhere just gets exponentially worse each time I go back. (not even gonna bring up taxes, etc.)
  14. I think I remember something like this, but it might have been an ABS blade and not composite. Could very well be wrong though, its been a while.
  15. It’s amazing how many pro’s don’t know anything about sharpenings or profiles. I get it, when you’re that good you’re that good, but still if it can help joe beer leaguer imagine what it could do for a pro.
  16. Might be an early version of the plus volume supremes that are taking over nexus
  17. The tiles you can skate on are expensive, sport court/roller hockey tiles are another option too.
  18. Not sure what exactly you had done, but after my Cervical Spine surgery they had me up & walking around a ton the day after. Def don't overdo it, but I think you might be surprised when they come in and try to get to move around.
  19. Waking up after my neck surgery, that was the first thing I noticed that I didn’t have that constant nagging pain through my body. Glad to hear you’re already feeling better!
  20. Probably a good time to merge these threads. Click here for a post I made in August with a pic of the chassis.
  21. If you check out John Schiavo's Instagram you can see a sneak preview of the new frames.
  22. Is there any material differences in a 'boost' versus a normal shim on a skate?
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