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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  On 10/26/2011 at 4:22 AM, maxamillion said:

Remember though, don't play hockey to stay in shape, stay in shape to play hockey.

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Will most certainly do...I'm still doing a lot of indoor trainer miles, etc. I'm hoping to do some road cycling crit races next spring, and tons of charity rides.

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  On 10/22/2011 at 9:59 PM, AnthonyJTa said:
Well guys, I've been gone a while... but tonight a newer, leaner (110 pounds!!) AnthonyJTa takes the ice for the first time in almost 2 years. I had to tighten my helmet screws, snug up all of the belts and straps on my pants, and get this... buy new skates. I was in an 8E when I weighted 314 pounds, I'm in a 7D; I have an arch again, and my foot is nowhere near as wide. I think this deserves a post in the sweet spot. Wish me luck!
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Good work man!

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  On 10/27/2011 at 10:41 PM, 5 Minute Major said:

After they took the mass out from my Mom's breast they did another biopsy. She got the results today and they are negative. Thank you Lord!

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That's great news.

My Mom had breast & Ovarian cancer. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

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Just a bit of optimism I'd like to share- Scored a couple awesome opportunities with some groups I'm involved with here at school and will be headed for the weekend early for the next two weeks for Professional Development. I guess it's true what they say- Find something you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life. Can't wait to get my bachelor's, and THEN my master's in Special Education.

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  On 11/1/2011 at 2:27 PM, starsfan71 said:

Made it through Halloween weekend without a drop of alcohol entering my body.

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Good for you...one day at a time. Don't set unrealistic goals. And don't get too up on good days or down on bad days. Try to stay even keel....and try to surround yourself with good, supportive people.

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Don't know if anyone here surfs but Kelly Slater just won his 11th world title, frickin' insane...He won his first when I was in 2nd grade now I'm 28 and he's still the best in the world and it's not even close. So stoked for the guy, met him several times through a family friend and he couldn't be a better person.

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After going back and forth in my head for days, I finally decided to accept a new job offer. the hours arent the best, but the money is good, and there is room for advancement, which i dont have currently. While difficult for me to move on from where i am and what im doing now, im excited for the future and this new opportunity.

Best part: they really wanted me to come work there, and worked it out so that I will still be going to winterfest as planned!

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  On 11/3/2011 at 12:34 AM, RadioGaGa said:

Got my $325 red light cam ticket knocked down to $180...one of the reasons I didn't feel bad about spending the money on the tattoo last night.

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Glad you got a payoff for the time you put in.

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My 6-week old son flashed a gigantic smile at me yesterday. It was the first time I could tell for sure that he was just smiling at me, not pooping or passing gas.


Edited by McDugan

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Just got a job at the HockeyGiant that opened near me. Some extra money in my pocket for the holiday season on top of my Pretzel Factory paycheck, nice! Looks like I need to start browsing here more often again...I haven't been as active since I stopped playing ice hockey

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  On 11/14/2011 at 9:26 PM, EBondo said:

Just got a job at the HockeyGiant that opened near me. Some extra money in my pocket for the holiday season on top of my Pretzel Factory paycheck, nice! Looks like I need to start browsing here more often again...I haven't been as active since I stopped playing ice hockey

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Congrats. Can't beat gear and philly soft pretzels. But stopped playing!?! :ohmy:

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  On 11/14/2011 at 11:42 PM, flyers10 said:

Congrats. Can't beat gear and philly soft pretzels. But stopped playing!?! :ohmy:

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Yeah I haven't played ice hockey in about three years. My knees are extremely bad...I had to give it up. I still play roller once a week but nothing beats the sound of blades on the crisp ice.

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Pretty sure Im getting a job at the local Total Hockey. Plus everything is falling into place finally for thanksgiving at our house. Both sides of the family coming over for the occasion so it should be interesting.

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After getting dumped by my girlfriend in what I presume to be an act of cheating, I am doing my own cheating. I'm sorry forward gear, but you'll be sitting in a closet for a while while I lace up the pads. That having been said: Sweet Spot- They're(the goalie pads) coming wednesday before I head off to the rink for stick and puck!

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Playing Saints Row 3 with review dlc with my good friend CheapyD in it. So weird to see a good buddy of yours go main stream and be dlc in a video game.

Edited by Vulcan7905

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Found $10 next to my car after work last night. My dogs almost pee'd on it but i got in time. It paid for hockey last night so i was pretty pumped that's for sure.

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