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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Sort of but not really. Making tweaks just to score a higher rating without being any safer doesn’t mean much.
  2. That’s the issue though; they aren’t making them objectively better. They are making them to score high on the tests. As I’ve said before: getting a concussion doesn’t make a helmet bad, and not getting a concussion doesn’t make a helmet good.
  3. Cruises are definitely not for me, for the reasons you mentioned. I don’t like being around people for too long, and I can only tolerate about 6 hours of Las Vegas so the whole casinos/shows/etc thing doesn’t do it for me.
  4. You’d think getting around an airport with a luggage cart would be much easier than it is. I guess people having luggage at an airport is unusual?
  5. I mean, if its producing level edges then I would have to assume it's aligned, no? EDIT: Oh, you said no edge checker either. Sorry.
  6. I haven’t been but I’d like to. Someday I will try to get up there.
  7. I think you're missing a word in there.
  8. Yeah, it's super easy to get around thankfully.
  9. Hmmm I wore an 8.5D. I wonder if an 8.5EE would work for me. Probably not a good idea to take a $469 gamble.
  10. At this point it’s pretty simple. Buy some and watch it grow :)
  11. In what way? It’s just like stocks.
  12. I use coinbase if that helps you.
  13. You have to go to a dealer now for fitting. I think you can do the older tracing method if you contact them but not sure.
  14. Just dumped $2000 into it during its big dip late last week. It's already recovered and then some so things are looking good :)
  15. We have a brand new arena they just built a couple years ago, but they installed used boards, glass, nets, etc. What a shame. At least the locker rooms and showers are clean... for now... We've done the same.
  16. I just checked the roster for this season. 13 skaters active for this season, maybe 4-5 of them paying up-front. 3 additional that we generally don't count on but occasionally show up. We've given out 28 jerseys in the couple years this team has existed.
  17. Totally agree. I don’t know why but we’re often much better with three D-men. The only thing I can think of is that you don’t get both trying to change at the same time? Or maybe they play a bit more conservatively to save energy?
  18. That’s brutal. I hope you didn’t pay for the season!
  19. The problem with the second suggestion is that turning people away because they didn’t play when called doesn’t help us fill our lineup, as much as I agree with the concept.
  20. That’s what we had been using but it’s become so disjointed. We have probably twice the number of people who pay per game than pay up front. I think the attendance problem for us has a lot to do with people figuring it’s not costing them anything to stay home.
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