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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by 215BroadStBullies610

  1. That can be the biggest issue when it comes the adult/beer portion of our hockey lives. I think your request is more than valid because there are plenty of players who started playing hockey well after college (last level for MOST of us to play competitive hockey). Hopefully, more people ask more "obvious" questions and us coaches can respond. I'm sure I'll learn a thing a two that I can/will implement into future practice plans.
  2. @LHD1215 Nice. Waiting on mine and hope to have my setup completed shortly.
  3. I think a lot of good can come out of this thread(s). About me: This is my third year coaching (first year as a head coach). I have a big boy job so coaching is a side-gig for me that I'm passionate about. I'm an Assistant Coach for the same head coach at the 14UA and Varsity levels respectively. I'm also the JV Head Coach at the same high school. All this while still officiating enough games to stay in the loop haha (finishing up my 7th season). With that being the case, I know how it is be on both sides of the boards and hope that more coaches look to wear the stripes: it will change your perspective for the better. That being said, I'm looking forward to answer and ask question and hope that this more current and to-be members contribute. We all are passionate about the game so we can all learn from each other.
  4. I'd go to Westside if you can pull it off. I plan on going there once I'm ready to get my own pair. One guy I play pickup hockey with got his there and had nothing but good things to say about his experience. Mind you there are multiple PH/GH within an hour's drive of us here the Philadelphia area. Better safe than sorry (within reason of course).
  5. It looks like he is more active on FB. Probably better off reaching out to him there. https://www.facebook.com/FizixFrames/
  6. Mid 60s today in the Philadelphia area. Got roll done all 5 windows (4Runner back window action) while heading to Hockey Giant during lunch. Nice change a pace for a winter day...
  7. Big of the Mako boot. The thing is, it didn't seem like a big hit at the higher levels. I don't see Bauer making a boot with a similar likeness. This is just my uneducated guess/opinion ha...
  8. Nice to see the feedback. Looking to convert my old Graf Supra 705's to inline. Looks like I should consider Marsblade.
  9. Does anyone know a good place in the Philadelphia, PA area to get work done? @EBondo may you would know? I have a pair of old Graf Supra 705's that I don't use but still have a good amount of life left. One of the guys on one of my ice hockey men's league teams is in need of guys for the new season that starts next Thursday haha. Late notice but I'd like play again and even if I start the season late, I'd like to make use of skates that are still usable. Thanks MSHers.
  10. Times like this I wish I worked at home haha. I wonder if with non-NHL/AHL players will it leave this tournament more competitive.
  11. You know you're doing something right when your product makes it to the Show. I'll have one myself some time during the off-season.
  12. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-soccer-turkey-bitcoin/turkish-soccer-club-completes-first-bitcoin-transfer-in-countrys-history-cnn-turk-idUKKBN1FJ23C Don't know if this will catch on but its worth noting.
  13. Volatile at best. I hope that people win more than they lose.
  14. I guess it would be helpful to be at the right website haha. Not a terrible price especially if it holds up well over time.
  15. +1 from me my friend. Everyone is different though: this is MODSquadHockey after all haha.
  16. Slight correction: the ProSharp HOME is $1,799.00. And depending on how many sharpenings you do on an annual basis, you may not reach that $500 amount for a while. To your point though, the ProSharp looks like a unit that hold up better over the long haul.
  17. Could you please further elaborate on that? How long? How many sharpenings? How many additionally purchased grinding wheels? Any issues from a operational/maintenance standpoint? Thanks.
  18. I hope we can get for SummerJam!
  19. I didn't know these skates included infants? I'll let myself out...
  20. Any word on if True is making a refreshed version of tapered blades? I don't have any additional TC4 blades and it seems like there aren't any new ones out there to be had.
  21. Couldn't believe it when I saw the alerts at work. The dude was a beast here in Philly (and Toronto).
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