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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by stick9

  1. Serious question. Is it possible to access the original scan and compare it to the new customers scan? Doesn't help people buying online though.
  2. But, those off the shelf skates weren't made to someone else's foot.... Personally, I'd avoid anything that was specifically made for someone else.
  3. Never experienced that. I would make sure the ring is fully seated and seated evenlly. A side by side with a known good ring give you a clue as to what might be wrong.
  4. Could be outdated. I've read here there was a shift in holder size vs boot size by CCM to align better with Bauer's sizing.
  5. I've done it before, ventilation sucks. Both times I ended up taking the shell off mid skate.
  6. Consider the Jetspeed pants. It's a tighter fit all around, like slim fit jeans.
  7. Double check the mounting patterns, you may not need to drill different holes. I'd hold off on jumping to the XS holder. Let them work the bugs out first. I know the next posts will say it's being tested in the NHL but so was the LS Edge holder and countless other items that had issues when they first went to retail. IMO, just toss some edge holder with Step or Tydan and be done with it.
  8. Umm, the internet... 😁 Seriously though. There are a fair amount listed on Sideline.
  9. Maybe I am reading this wrong. The difference between LS2 and LS2.1 is not the grade of steel or even the profile. It's the length of the runner.
  10. All that money and still getting gear on closeout. 😆 And yes I know he doesn't pay for it the team does and yadda yadda yadda......
  11. More so, why would someone pluck down the cash for something they don't like or don't believe in.... As to the point about adjustments. When you buy skates that are sold to you as being custom made to your feet. Dosn't that come with the impression or a certian level of confidence they will fit perfectly, if not, shouldn't it? I mean, what's the point of buying them if they have to be "adjusted", "tweaked" or "dialed in"? If they do require work afterwards, are you really getting what you paid for? Isnt it fair to question that? This is the problem with offering something like this to the masses. How many people actually need custom made skates opposed to those who want them simply because it's unique...
  12. Funny thing is. I am a big advocate for unwaxed laces because they have a bit of give to them. I don't need waxed laces in the traditional sense. The 1X injected lacing has a locking feature and I am only pulling them tight at the top. Appreantly that little bit of give was enough for my foot to move forward a little.
  13. I would definitely describe the fit on my 1X's as a "pro fit". I've experienced some sore toes from the close, tight fit. I've found socks can be problematic. The seam is a huge factor. I've had some punching done to widen the area and swtiched to waxed laces to better hold my foot back in the boot. Problem solved....for me.
  14. I agree, the edge holder thing is a bit over stated. If I am honest, the biggest drawback has been using Bauer steel. Fortunately Step can be had via eBay now and Tydan can be purchased right here from the MSH pro shop.
  15. @smu don't sweat it. A couple of things might help. 1) if you you want to connect with a member directly, use the private message function. 2) posts on forums are best when they are direct and to the point. Skip the story, just give us the details. 3) if you need to reference your initial post, don't type it out again, just link it. Again, direct and to the point.
  16. @Nicholas G so more a V foot shape?
  17. Try being a righty who uses a 75-77 flex P28...
  18. There are pros still using One95's. They're just dressed as whatever the latest and greatest offering is. Kane and Stamkos come to mind.
  19. I agree....sort of. However. 1 The thread has become so decisive where certain people will not read it, thus not contributing. Some of those members are experienced fitters who could add a great deal to the conversation. That's actually a negative. 2 The thread is so massive you can't possibly read through it to find an answer or the info you seek. 3 The polarizing nature of the thread in my opinion is not a good look for product, the brand or the site itself. 4 Locking it down doesn't mean it goes away. If it were up to me, I'd lock, start a new one linking the old one and set some guidelines as to what goes where, maybe a catch all custom skate thread is where it's at.... 5 I think members would be better served bring their True questions to the general public. They'd get more input from a broader ranger of members and knowledge bases. It would cut back on the bickering and pom-pom waving. Again, it's not up to me. Just thinking out loud. There is one tiny little thing that irkes me. Why do some True owners feel the need to carry water for the company? Look through other threads. Anytime there is a fit question, you'll get a few True owners posting "get Trues". They aren't answering the question asked or taking into account the context in which it was asked.
  20. Following this thread got me started looking at some the sticks mentioned. I was surprised to learn the Pro3 is a true one piece (so is the Tacks 9080). I like to stay around that $150 price point so I've been surviving off closeouts and pro-stocks. Would be nice to find something off the rack I liked.
  21. It's not up to me, but I think the time is near.
  22. A lot of what goes on here is not exclusive to True, like fit issues, and would probably be best served in another thread where it get the attention it deserves. The problem with this thread is to polarizing so some just stay away. This thread had some merit back when things transitioned from VH to True. Now with True and the process being fairly mainstream the need really isn't there. There isn't a separate thread for other brands or models, so why True....
  23. It's not just females or younger players. I know more than a few adult males of average height and weight wearing skates smaller than a size 6, myself being one.
  24. I don't like a cage that blends in. Seeing the bars helps me look past them and focus on what matters. Currently using the Bauer titanium cage, love it.
  25. Krejci (who's pictured) has been in Vapors for years, and those particular ones for a few months. So I'm guessing it's not an issue. Surprised no one pointed out what looks like a new toe cap... Or how the design is similar to the old X:60.
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