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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by start_today

  1. If you’re redoing that much stuff, just pretend it costs another $600 and wrap the cost of the skates into the renovations. Other stuff is probably way more zeros on the end.
  2. I like the matte look on teams. It’s an interesting change. Rough look for anyone not on a competitive team with fully matching uniforms.
  3. Fwiw, I’m also not someone who uses a ton of different blades or is very good, so take my descriptions lightly. I’m not 100% right, but I don’t think I’m 100% wrong either haha.
  4. He’s got three Malkin variations. The original Malkin, the Malkin 2 which is also labeled the Galchenyuk variation (I have this one), and one that’s the Malkin curve with a p92 profile. Pardon the SAT analogy, but for me, I feel like the p90TM is to the p92 as Malkin 2 is to the p88. Take the original curve, and just add a toe curve and more height. Comparing p90TM and Malkin 2, p90TM is more open, M2 is more neutral. P90TM starts a little more in the heel. M2 has a flatter profile. M2 is more squared off toe, but less square than say a stock Lidstrom.
  5. I’ve never played with a p19, so that might be a better description. Backstrom is definitely “thin” or “not tall” or whatever description you use to describe less height is. It’s noticeably less tall than stock profiles. Not sure what the advantage of reduced height is, but I have enough challenges in my game, I’ll take all the height I can get.
  6. Anyone get any weird/dumb/awesome curves from them lately? Picked up a Malkin-2 and a Backstrom just after US Thanksgiving. I really like the Malkin. It’s like a taller p88 with a bit of a toe curve. The toe is nice for stickhandling, but I can still shoot out of the mid-pocket with my wonky old man mechanics. All these modern super open toe curves kill me. Backstrom looks and plays like a pm9 with a shaved pointy toe. It was billed as a “more lofty p88,” which…I dunno….it doesn’t feel like that to me.
  7. Wouldn’t it matter where ankle foams finish wrapping your ankle? The edge of the boots can be the same height, but if the foams stop at different heights and the cuff flares beyond that, wouldn’t that change the effective height?
  8. Literally everyone who is mildly selective about sticks says these are always somewhere between low end mediocre to trash. The people who hype them up are either the people selling them, or people who love a “good deal” above all else. Whats more likely - a factory in China is gonna sell unbranded Bauers/CCMs out the back door to some random suburban dad in the USA, or that those sticks are actually just off brand sticks that play poorly and weigh around 400 grams? People delude themselves it’s actually a $400 stick with no graphics but the scenario is so full of holes. If all you care about is weight, go for these. But if you care about feel, balance, performance, etc, spend $30 more and buy a prostock stick from somewhere.
  9. And just kind of talking as part of an ADVERTISEMENT….. It’s not a video reporting piece about how players adopted their curves, it’s Easton marketing material.
  10. When does one use the ruby side vs when to use the white side?
  11. For the history of who developed given curves, don’t we assume it’s like Leibniz and Newton both developing calculus independently at the same time through different routes? If there’s enough guys tinkering with curves, eventually two people are gonna get to them same idea.
  12. I broke a holder on my TF7s. A few questions for the brain trust: a) do the Max holders have the same hole pattern as the shift? b) I’ve seen a few places say that the Shift steel can go in Max holders, but not the opposite. Is that correct? I’m hoping to avoid buying new steel. c) Are there any other holders that line up with the shift hole pattern without having to drill new ones?
  13. For future reference SMU = Special Make Up. They are designs offered to only certain retailers, usually a mix between two price points. Sometimes it’s a good value and you’re getting upgraded tier 2 specs at a tier 3 price point. Other times they are putting lipstick on a turd. I was looking at some Jetspeed SMU elbows and the “upgrades” were different colors and a chrome CCM logo.
  14. Can you post a pic of your “funky triangular knob?”
  15. Did you get just the collar, or the one with the “bib”?
  16. How’s the sizing on these? One size fits all from 11yo to adult makes me nervous they’d be super tight on adult feet.
  17. Last dedicated thread I could find was 10 years old, so wanted to start a new one. Any strong recommendations for cut resistant skate socks? Or advice on brands/models you didn’t like for one reason or another?
  18. Has anyone used the Jetspeed 485 or 680 shoulder pads? Any strong opinions?
  19. It’s also wildly lazy “science.” If I wear a helmet that’s too big for me, and then complain that I got hurt, and you saw that the helmet fit improperly, you’d tell me “hey man, that sucks, but that helmet is obviously too big.” But, these guys as policy use helmets that are too big, give some inscrutable ratings, and have parents wringing their hands over terrible data. Your point that “no one would read all that” is a huge problem with this study. Their testing doesn’t do a good job testing for hockey injuries. It’s all buried in fine print and the results incredibly oversimplified. There are consumers making choices off of bad data. And now companies are chasing good ratings from this study, but the variables they test are so skewed it’s not even viable. We aren’t critiquing a highschool science fair project. If we were, I think people would be right in their “hey guys, they are doing their best and this seems like a neat idea” defense. VT is pushing this as a rigorous study and it simply isn’t. Imagine if they were testing seatbelt safety, but some of the time just stuck the seatbelts into that cushions rather than latching them correctly. Personally, I’d see that and think I can’t trust anything they publish, because the methods are so flawed. But, instead, people are craving this ratings system even though it’s flawed the variables are wonky.
  20. Pretty sure at this point they have zero interest in making the study better or relevant or useful. They’re just doing it and churning out results that people then haphazardly use.
  21. This thread just seems like someone who has enough money that they don’t really care what they spend it on, and then try to justify it after the fact (custom skates last longer), and then when that false assertion gets called out, backpedals to another money flex (I don’t need to buy new skates, I just do).
  22. Because a lot of people can find comfortable fits for stock skates. Especially off the shelf Trues mold and fit so well the non-custom are fine for a lot of people. I suspect a lot of people need to actually just take time fitting their skates and trying things on. There’s a huge gap between ordering Vapors online because “Bauer is the best” without ever trying anything on, and going full custom. A pair of off the shelf $500 Trues would probably be the best option for a huge number of people. But the world too easily pushes the narrative of you need the most expensive things all the time no matter what.
  23. Sorry, let me rephrase. Mot comparing cost of gen 1 or kickstarter. The time before before gen 3 was released, did the gen 2 model cost the same as it does now, or was it more and they have since reduced the price?
  24. Geez, at $300 for holders and steel I’d just buy new skates at that point.
  25. Did gen 2 get cheaper, or did gen 3 just get more expensive? Or both? Honest question, I don’t pay attention to the pricing.
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