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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by start_today

  1. Hills aka hockeyreviewsca had a really good Instagram post about this around the time of the winter classic.
  2. Ok then, if those sticks now flex and play the exact same, did the 63” stick and the stick 60” stick play the exact same before cutting? Yes, but two pieces of bamboo to the same length and they feel the exact same. But, take two different lengths of bamboo and they feel different. It doesn’t make sense to rate a 3 foot piece of bamboo and a 1 foot piece of bamboo both 85, just because the feel the same at 1 foot. Or, fine, do that, but now we need a different designation for how the bamboo feels at 3 feet in length True can’t argue it both ways. You can’t both say a 63” 85 flex and a 60” 85 flex stick play the exact same, and then say if you cut the 63” down 3” it still plays the exact same.
  3. Doesn’t the stick that started at 63” now take more work to deflect to the same degree as the one that started off at 60”?
  4. Well, the issue is we’ve used the word “flex” to mean a specific thing in hockey sticks for a very, very, very long time. Prior to that True video, when hockey players talked about stick flex, the meant how a stick bends in relation to the pressure and power put on it. Now, True is changing that meaning. If I take an 85 flex stick and cut 5” off, it takes more work for me to bend it. And that bending used to be called flex. I know that. You know that. That video is asking us to ignore decades of a word usage and pretend we never meant it that way. So, True is changing what the word “flex” means here, so they can do an end run and pretend the flex doesn’t change. But everyone on this forum knows damn well if you cut the stick down it takes more _______ to bend it. Put whatever word you want in that blank. It used to be flex. So, maybe the “flex” doesn’t change when you cut it, but ______ certainly changes. We are doing a disservice to anyone trying to discuss how hockey sticks work by playing semantic word games and pretending an 85 flex stick stock 60” and an 85 flex stick stock 60” cut to 52” still _____ the same.
  5. How do they go about covering those areas in red and white ? Is it a material or some sort of ink or what? And, how uniform in coloring and style do the gloves have to be? I feel like I’m the 90s or early 00s you might see slightly different color combos on a team across brands, but at some point everything became the exact same across brands and models.
  6. Will also echo the I don’t have a go to brand for anything sentiment. Which is different than “other,” because other implies “my go to brand is XXX but not listed.”
  7. I wish he’d just make a p88 curve. He’s got 69 slight variations on a p28 in stock. Am I that wrong to think him making an easily purchasable p88 would just be printing money? Unless he’s trying to drive people to the custom ordering.
  8. Between racism and the need to constantly start petty arguments about everything, some new people don’t fit this board and I hope they can change or they get asked not to post here.
  9. Are those labeled as being from PSH?
  10. From my experiences in lockerooms, lots of guys think of profiling essentially as: guy A: “my new steel is so tall and I keep catching the her and toe” Guy B: “the shop can grind down your blades to match the weird messed up shape of your old blades.“ They know the new steel has too much heel and toe for them, but rather than making any adaptations or learning what profiling actually is, they want the new $100+ runners to be shaped to the same ugly banana radius the shop mangled their old blades too. It’s like they have just enough info to completely confuse and misunderstand what it actually is.
  11. Are the holders a 1/4” taller? Or just enough so that you notice it in your stick?
  12. Imagine having the extra time and disposable income to buy $1k+ custom skates you don’t want or need or even like just to endlessly complain about them before you get them, ignore advice to help them fit, and assert a bunch of unfounded assumptions, all so you can make some protracted internet argument, while lashing out at people offering advice and saying “you guys are all True fanboys, Bauer skates is the best 4eva.” It’s like when a child throws a tantrum about not wanting to eat a food that they’ve never even tried, but in those cases the child didn’t go out and spend a bunch of energy getting that food.
  13. That lack of attention to detail seems pretty on brand, considering how awful those CCM stamped eyelets are. Those things have been terrible for over a decade, and they’re still sold on skates.
  14. Admittedly I don’t stare at NHL players ankles much (I’m a butt man), but pretty surprised that he tapes his ankles. Or that anyone in the NHL tapes their ankles.
  15. This kinda depends on where your pants sit and the ratios of body parts. I’m 6’2”, 185 and wear medium pants with the zipper extension undone, and I’m happy with the length. Currently in HP31s.
  16. Thanks! You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
  17. It was the same company. Well, the same company made the buttend that flexed, and made one that was angled. Those seemed like a neat idea. I think they presaged the modern era of whippier sticks, and sticks like the G3 that had multiple flex areas, especially up higher. It was just such a commitment. You had to cut an extra 4-5 inches off of your stick. Plus, the retail versions had, to me, a huge knob that I didn’t like. The owner used to post on here and was making custom ones for people. I have a retail one somewhere in my basement, if anyone wants it.
  18. You’re right! In my mind the Vform thing was a CCM concept, but it wasn’t.
  19. These are riveted on, remember the ones that had something marketed like “quick change chasis” and you could take the whole chasis off and flip it to the other skate, for a lazy wheel rotation? (unless I’m confusing two CCM in-line bizzaro chassis)
  20. How do the CCM 4R2 fit compared to other CCM retail gloves? I’m generally a 15” in a lot of retail gloves. 15” jetspeeds fit me perfectly. 15” tacks fit me better than 14”, but I think are a touch roomy in the fingers if I’m being a diva about it. I assume I’m a 15, but I slide down to a 14” in coverts and catalysts. 15” in Bauers. The store I popped into didn’t have any 4r2 in stock. Yes, I should just stay in Jetspeeds, but I have some Xmas money burning an hole in my pocket and aesthetically like a pair of 4r2 I saw online.
  21. I feel like the number of people who both post on this forum and get the oblique death metal references have to pretty small.
  22. Those battery powered heated skate blades that were super heavy and had dubious science behind them. Roller hockey, but those Mission skates that didn’t have traditional grommets and had hiking boot style quick tightening nylon pull throughs (there’s gotta be a name those that I’m blanking on). It was like Mission had a cool idea and did no longer term stress testing and everyone’s “eyelets” ripped out in three months.
  23. At this point, it feels like companies are just rolling some various number of dice, then whatever numbers come up, making it a profile and marketing it as some mix of speed and agility. It’s like making a D&D character, but for skate blades. I’m getting elf/mage/warrior/thief for my next quad profile.
  24. It was a limited release only available on some SMU sticks at some shops. I can’t find a curve chart that shows it. They also had an MC2 that was a pm9 clone.
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