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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Stella's recovery is going better than we could have expected. She never had to wear a collar as the left she affected areas alone. She was on pain killers for only 2 days, and got back to her cheerful self by the 3rd day. The jaw is healing perfectly, and when her mouth is closed you can hardly tell anything was done. Her jaw is a bit shorter and more narrow, and her tounge hangs out sometimes, but someone who didnt know her before, likely wouldnt think anything was wrong. When she opens her mouth it is more noticable....with alot of teeth and jawbone gone.

But the best news of all is that we got back the biopsy results on the tissue and bone removed, and they had very good margins....meaning they GOT ALL THE CANCER!!!! :)

Edited by eric42434224

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  mack said:
Having the NCAA national championship take place this Saturday and not having to wait for January to watch it.
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Texas can beat Florida and could kill Alabama. Granted, it would be awesome if TCU and Boise State had a chance in hell at a real title shot...but of course we rate Football like we do figure skating. Awesome huh?

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Texas can't kill anyone since they don't have a D, but Florida's best DL just got arrested on a DUI so that gives the opponents a better shot. Meyer's a decent guy and won't let this slide like that twat at Tennessee.

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  SubliTWILL said:
Classy decision by the Angels!

"The Los Angeles Angels voted to give a full postseason share to the estate of Nick Adenhart, the rookie pitcher killed in April in a car accident allegedly caused by a drunken driver.

The Angels’ shares were worth $138,039. Los Angeles lost to the New York Yankees in the AL championship series."

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Very classy move by a team that proved they were classy about the situation all season.

Did he play enough to get his pension? I hope so.

MLB does a pretty good job of taking care of it's players, in my opinion. I had a friend that blew out his shoulder but he did qualify for his pension. With the pension he was able to take care of his two-year-old son and his wife while going to college to get a real job. Without that pension who knows how they'd get by.

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Going from an 80% oil burner (on a good day, when brand new and cleaned...MAYBE), to a 95% gas (or LP) furnace......you will be VERY HAPPY, and so will your bills. :)

You should know better than to quote the pic above yours ;)

Edited by Drewhunz

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Well, it sure as hell wasn't new...and I don't know when it was cleaned last. The only saving grace to it taking this long to replace (I moved in in late Sept) is that I also inherited almost a full tank of oil...so my only expense so far has been the hydro. My first bill (Sept 26-Nov 4) was just under $100.

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Playing under the lights at Fenway is looking like it is going to happen. The details were getting hashed out as our team enjoyed our annual B's game in a box at the Garden. Dinner in the North End didn't hurt, either.

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  chippa13 said:
Playing under the lights at Fenway is looking like it is going to happen. The details were getting hashed out as our team enjoyed our annual B's game in a box at the Garden. Dinner in the North End didn't hurt, either.
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I heard rumors of this. Where are you at now, bud?

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Around midnight I couldn't sleep and was getting bored. Just finished building another guitar out of the pile of parts in the closet. Not sure if I'm going to sell this one so I can buy the parts for one I really want to build or if I'm going to give it away as a christmas present. The four other spare bodies and two extra necks are going on ebay this weekend. Lots of cleaning going on this week.

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  Chadd said:
Around midnight I couldn't sleep and was getting bored. Just finished building another guitar out of the pile of parts in the closet. Not sure if I'm going to sell this one so I can buy the parts for one I really want to build or if I'm going to give it away as a christmas present. The four other spare bodies and two extra necks are going on ebay this weekend. Lots of cleaning going on this week.
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Got any les paul style necks?

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  fedorov#91 said:
  Chadd said:
Around midnight I couldn't sleep and was getting bored. Just finished building another guitar out of the pile of parts in the closet. Not sure if I'm going to sell this one so I can buy the parts for one I really want to build or if I'm going to give it away as a christmas present. The four other spare bodies and two extra necks are going on ebay this weekend. Lots of cleaning going on this week.
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Got any les paul style necks?

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Nope, only bolt on and I'm not taking my '76 goldtop apart.

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Being in a scoring slump for 2-3 weeks. Could not seem to hit any holes that I normally hit with such confidence. I blamed it on just a slump + switching to a new curve a month or two back.

Last night, it all come back to me, with a vengeful two goals. first goal, I tapped a rebound out of mid air under a sprawling keeper. Second goal, I came in off the left wing on a break, sniped top corner so perfectly, the puck hit the apex plum, and slammed in.

All the parts I have been missing; accuracy, power and timing all come together with a spot of luck mixed in.

Edited by Aussie Joe

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I played two games back to back yesterday, both games ending with the scores tied and shootouts to determine the winners. Facing something like a total of 15 shooters in both shootouts, I only allowed one goal. It was pretty fun being a goaltender yesterday.

Everyone playing is pretty friendly bunch and after the first round in the second shootout I warned the opposing goaltender that they (the shooter) would most likely try more top shelf shots this round. The second shooter on his second attempt did try glove side just as I thought but I got just enough of it to knock away. And wouldn't you know it one of the least skilled players on our team who had frustrated me more than once during the game was the one to score the winning sudden death shootout goal.

A couple of fun games yesterday, indeed.

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I've got the beers ready for our christmas party. I currently have an Irish Red Ale on tap and also my Whiskey Vanilla Oaked Irish Stout that is carbonating, but I did do a taste test last night. Still needs to sit on gas for about another week to develop a nice head, but it's drinking well.


I also have a keg of Magic Hat Roxy Rolles clone currently carbonating on priming sugar in a keg in one of the closets in the house (the recipe is directly from Matt Cohen the head brewer there). So it's backup for when the first of the other two run out.

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My neighbor has gotten the permission from the authorities to let him freeze his "pondstrosity" over. It's a swamp that we freeze over to play pond hockey in the winter. In fact, I learned to play hockey there last year. Next up: Getting more people to play.

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