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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  farhanshak said:
one of the profs in my program (bcomm-accounting) told me that maybe I wasnt cut out for accounting and I should try a different path.

I was told this after failing the mid term pretty badly (class average is usually 50% on the mid term in this class, and out of 30-40 students, and the end of the class usually 4 or 5 pass and everyone else retakes it, its a 4th year course).

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I had one of those classes for my final semester of mechanical engineering. 3/4 of the class failed. I went to see my professor, he let me redo a small portion of the final and it got me 3 points from passing the class. Two hours later he wanted me gone and gave me the D. I've never worked so hard for a D and been so happy to get it. Walked for graduation two days later (last month) and was notified my degree is officially audited and complete last week. Hell yes.

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All I have left is my Spanish final tomorrow, and the years' over. Then a combined football-hockey-lax party at the loocal country club. 15 ft. diving board FTW

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Got some sweet news. My friend and I's Youtube Channel will be collaborating with "Barely Political" over the summer to make some seriously funny crap. "Momma, I'm gonna be a star!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Rough day at work, but I said screw it, and went and finally ordered my wheels and tires for the BMW. When I came home from the shop, there was 3 boxes of car goodies waiting for me. Getting the good bounces once in a while, that's what I call it.

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  kovyperron5727 said:
Haha I love that stuff! Long live the provel cheese on a square. Unfortunately I'm still in Texas until August, so Im at Pizza Hut in Flower Mound right now
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I work in flower mound, got the hook up?

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Finally learning how to cook something other than homemade cheesesteaks and grilled cheese. Made some awesome taco dip (ground beef, salsa, seasoning, grated Mexican cheese and cream cheese). Celebrating by eating it all myself. It serves four. haha

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Craig Ramsay finally given a head coaching job. It's a nice turnaround because as of a month ago he was set to retire all together.

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  Krev said:
Fresno; Main camp invitation, August 2nd - 7th.

So stoked.

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Congrats man and good luck. A couple of my friends will be there.

  TBLfan said:
Craig Ramsay finally given a head coaching job. It's a nice turnaround because as of a month ago he was set to retire all together.
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Good for him. Well deserved

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