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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2012-2013 Gear Sightings

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Bingo! Easton has radically reduced the number of SKU's in the new stick line. Int and Jr sticks will only come with one option regarding grip or clear, and I'm almost positive the P6 Parise pattern is being done away with.

Although, like Tyler said, I believe Easton is moving back to only one release per year.

How can they get rid of the Drury???

Wrong. It's E28-like.

P08 is Kremlin-like.


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I can understand that. I tried it just for the hell of it, too, but I kind of knew why I was switching. Just sucks that I ended up loving it.

I know everyone is looking at toe curves because a few snipers in the NHL use them.

I keep hearing that the most popular curve in the Show is a heel curve/Drury type blade. But I see so many crazy toe curves lately, and hearing about the companies offering more and more options in that direction that I'm seriously wondering what the actual statistics are of heel vs toe vs mid curves. I know people use what works for them, but it'd be interesting data to have.

I first curved my Modano UltraLite blade after realizing I sucked with it off the shelf. I tried to copy Mogliny's toe curve, heated the sucker over the stove, and next game out, bam--perfect control with my head up, laser passes (just point the toe!) but no slap shot (laughable) since the blade was just hanging on by the weave on the last half. Then I suffered the rest of my days not being able to afford custom and not being able to reliably and affordably replicate the low lie toe curve. These days, there are more options, but it is frustrating when those come and then get taken away. At least if there were blade options...Intuitively, I can't grasp the logic of, "here's our new pattern, only on our top-price stick." Intuitively I find myself thinking, but if someone isn't used to your brand, what makes them take the plunge all the way into the deep end? I just consider it out of my reach, since I have no direct knowledge of any of these sales numbers, either from working in a shop or from working in one of the companies out there competing in this way that I find baffling.

A lot of people will jump on a new curve to try it, then go away from it when it doesn't work any better for them. It will be interesting to see what happens with so many companies now offering open toes, especially Easton who is changing a majority of their curve offerings.

Totally get that. Easton's new terrain is indeed interesting. Let's see what happens now.

I can understand that. I tried it just for the hell of it, too, but I kind of knew why I was switching. Just sucks that I ended up loving it.

I know everyone is looking at toe curves because a few snipers in the NHL use them.

I keep hearing that the most popular curve in the Show is a heel curve/Drury type blade. But I see so many crazy toe curves lately, and hearing about the companies offering more and more options in that direction that I'm seriously wondering what the actual statistics are of heel vs toe vs mid curves. I know people use what works for them, but it'd be interesting data to have.

I don't know what it is about mid-toe curves that worked for me, while heels and pure mids did not...although I suspect it has partly to do with the way that it can geometrically cheat to a lower lie...if the face of the blade is in front of the heel down toward the toe, I picture it effectively simulating a lower lie...maybe that's way off base. It just seems that, like some theories of personality go, there are a few types, and you just have to find which type works with the way your hands and brain want to work together on this puck problem. For me, it was a toe, with that kind of scoop/pick like feeling it gave, like the weight was all focused around this point that I could pin to whatever I wanted the point of interest to be/become. For others, it may be they feel the heel pattern working for them for some similar reason that could be summarized narratively, though what that narrative might be is closed to me since it doesn't fit my private language--it's just babble.

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I keep hearing that the most popular curve in the Show is a heel curve/Drury type blade. But I see so many crazy toe curves lately, and hearing about the companies offering more and more options in that direction that I'm seriously wondering what the actual statistics are of heel vs toe vs mid curves. I know people use what works for them, but it'd be interesting data to have.

Anecdotal evidence around here shows that it's mostly people under 18 using the toe curves. The majority can't shoot with them, but it doesn't matter to them as long as they can do toe drags at center ice when nobody is covering them.

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Wrong. It's E28-like.

P08 is Kremlin-like.

thanks for the clarification. i wasn't sure either way it looked kinda inbetween to me, but the rep there at the time said it was p08 like and sure its in the same ball park.

Anecdotal evidence around here shows that it's mostly people under 18 using the toe curves. The majority can't shoot with them, but it doesn't matter to them as long as they can do toe drags at center ice when nobody is covering them.

i would think at some point we'd have a massive poll for this kind of information. i'm still trying to hold onto my mild heel curves as long as possible.

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i would think at some point we'd have a massive poll for this kind of information. i'm still trying to hold onto my mild heel curves as long as possible.

As frequently as some people change curves, the information gets outdated pretty quickly. The current equipment topic is one way to get a snapshot of what is in use.

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Anecdotal evidence around here shows that it's mostly people under 18 using the toe curves. The majority can't shoot with them, but it doesn't matter to them as long as they can do toe drags at center ice when nobody is covering them.

I'm over 18 but I've always used Sakic or a P92 and when I got the chance to try something with more of a toe I jumped at it. I like having the straight heel out for quick chip backhand passes, the way I can cup and pull the puck in as I shoot it helps with my release. Overall the Kreps and close variations compliment my shooting and playing style and I never attempt toe drags. I've noticed a decent amount of D-men also change out of their heel curves for one. Both Letang and Lovejoy used to use heel patterns and now use Kreps.

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I'm over 18 but I've always used Sakic or a P92 and when I got the chance to try something with more of a toe I jumped at it. I like having the straight heel out for quick chip backhand passes, the way I can cup and pull the puck in as I shoot it helps with my release. Overall the Kreps and close variations compliment my shooting and playing style and I never attempt toe drags. I've noticed a decent amount of D-men also change out of their heel curves for one. Both Letang and Lovejoy used to use heel patterns and now use Kreps.

Well, I'm not in Chicago and, as I said, it was simply anecdotal evidence.

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As frequently as some people change curves, the information gets outdated pretty quickly. The current equipment topic is one way to get a snapshot of what is in use.

so why don't we make these polls annual? track the changes as so many people are keen to know what the trends are

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so why don't we make these polls annual? track the changes as so many people are keen to know what the trends are

With a lot of people, updating it weekly isn't enough to keep up with their curve changes. If you want to start a poll, feel free.

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Is the Yakupov going to be the Versteeg or is it a different curve?

The Yakupov is this E28-like pattern.

Are you saying the Yakupov is a new pattern? Otherwise, you basically said the same thing as Miseaujeu, which skyscrape already had quoted in his post. Some say Warrior's Versteeg is E28-like. I'm interested to hear if it's a new curve or a broader release of the customizer Versteeg as well.

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Oh I see what you're saying. I thought that skyscrape didn't see the post that miseaujeu quoted originally, which revealed that the Yak is E28-like and that it is a new pattern in retail at least. I don't know about the Versteeg similarities that you want clarified though. Sorry.

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Personally, I've been using p92 / open toe variations for the better bart of the last 5 or so years when I really focused on finding a curve to fit my shooting style. I learnt that I tend to shoot from the toe instead of bringing the puck back to the heel of the blade. I've never gone to extremes such as the P08 but I'm still eager to try a Kreps/ E28 pattern

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Yakupov is a new pattern which will be released with the new Covert LT/ST retail line in the fall. It is a E28 clone.

Versteeg will remain on the customizer, and it continues to be one of the more popular "pro" patterns in our pro bank (for other players). It was based off the Toews Pro pattern, when we serviced him.

Sorry for the thread highjack.

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Yakupov is a new pattern which will be released with the new Covert LT/ST retail line in the fall. It is a E28 clone.

Versteeg will remain on the customizer, and it continues to be one of the more popular "pro" patterns in our pro bank (for other players). It was based off the Toews Pro pattern, when we serviced him.

Sorry for the thread highjack.

Is the lie going to be the same as the E28? It would be perfect if it was the same as the gionta's.

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Yakupov is a new pattern which will be released with the new Covert LT/ST retail line in the fall. It is a E28 clone.

Versteeg will remain on the customizer, and it continues to be one of the more popular "pro" patterns in our pro bank (for other players). It was based off the Toews Pro pattern, when we serviced him.

Sorry for the thread highjack.

Thanks! I have used both the E28 and the Versteeg and felt more comfortable with the E28. I did not care for the Easton though, broke down too quick for me. I have always liked the AK 2 piece and would like to try the newest incarnation as well. Hope to see the Yakupov available as a replacement blade. If not...I will try it in either the DT or AX stick. Looks like I will head back over to the Warrior side for a bit. Will this be a late summer early fall release?

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Yakupov is a new pattern which will be released with the new Covert LT/ST retail line in the fall. It is a E28 clone.

Versteeg will remain on the customizer, and it continues to be one of the more popular "pro" patterns in our pro bank (for other players). It was based off the Toews Pro pattern, when we serviced him.

Sorry for the thread highjack.

Miseaujeu, will the Yakupov pattern be available in a replacement blade or only on sticks? Thank you in advance.

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Yesterday, watching the Kings game I saw a player using what looked like a lint (roller) brush on the shaft of his stick. I can only assume it was some sort of grip coating. Anyone know anything about this and what it is that they are using?

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Yesterday, watching the Kings game I saw a player using what looked like a lint (roller) brush on the shaft of his stick. I can only assume it was some sort of grip coating. Anyone know anything about this and what it is that they are using?

Sticky Roll


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First Tampa now Carolina? Pretty boring jersey IMO. Shouldn't have went with all red gloves, some black in the gloves would have been nice

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Are you saying the Yakupov and E28 are pretty much identical? Which curve is based on the Toews pro? Yakupov or Versteeg? It wasn't too clear.

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