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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2014-2015 Gear Sightings

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search on Instagram, you can see a sneak peak there. It is a CCM sign that would have been at a trade show.

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I think marketing to kids is a great business decision. The problem I see with the Jetspeed name is you're probably limiting yourself to the under 10 age group. Now if that kid makes a switch to Tacks or Ribcor, youre good.

How many teens will refuse to even consider trying the skate on because the name sounds childish? With the chirping culture that has developed in youth hockey, kids aren't going to risk being taunted.

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  On 1/23/2015 at 6:42 PM, chippa13 said:

Kind of like how Bauer ditched the Vapor line they carried over from Nike? Oh, wait.

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So was the original Bauer Vapor 8 skate named after a Nike product line? If so, I did not realize that.

And if is, why did Bauer not keep changing the name a la CCM?

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  On 1/23/2015 at 6:59 PM, chippa13 said:

I think Warrior already proved that ridiculous names have little to do with product sales.

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Warrior doesn't sell skates and they're what, #3 or 4 in stick sales? What about their protective? (Doesn't sell as well as it should). Warrior is not a shining example of good marketing.

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  On 1/23/2015 at 7:30 PM, boo10 said:

Warrior doesn't sell skates and they're what, #3 or 4 in stick sales? What about their protective? (Doesn't sell as well as it should). Warrior is not a shining example of good marketing.

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Shot themselves in the foot with years of porn references, tribal tattoo inspired graphics, and bedazzled dragons. Traditionalists never took them seriously and maybe never will. The majority of hockey players are traditionalists. It's an uphill battle which is too bad b/c I actually like some of their newer products. Their best bet is to get the younger generation hooked that wasn't around during the nipple-grip era.

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All Star jerseys didn't look as bad when worn.

He's just sliding his sock down over his shin pad. He already has his socks hooked on his garter belt.

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  On 1/23/2015 at 6:28 PM, boo10 said:

I understand the golf reference and the cross-marketing opportunities that it brings. I just think a CCM Jetspeed skate sounds like something a five year old would wear. Maybe the toe caps should have eyes and teeth painted on them, like something from Pixar!

At least Burner or Rxx would be less offensive.

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And I quote: "the only way to reach jetspeed is with our rocketframe". CCM is a heritage brand and I'm not digging these names and terms..

Warrior nipple grip was awesome.

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  On 1/24/2015 at 3:16 PM, chippa13 said:

All Star jerseys didn't look as bad when worn.


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Anyone who says these are too ugly must be forgetting the year the ASG game jerseys had collars.

I like the scheme, the chrome shield I could take or leave.

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  On 1/24/2015 at 7:47 PM, Buzz_LightBeer said:

the chrome shield I could take or leave.

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That's what stands out the most to me. The color's fine for the jerseys, a little overdone, the go to color of a lot of so so designers in every field over the last 5-years, but it's fine. It's just a shame they didn't just own it and put that color into the logo, make it fully electric. Also, if you're going to use electric green, give the patterning on the shirt either some electricity or go the opposite route and do some classic pattern with the "in" color. It's just such a half sous-vided job.

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  On 1/24/2015 at 3:16 PM, chippa13 said:

All Star jerseys didn't look as bad when worn.

He's just sliding his sock down over his shin pad. He already has his socks hooked on his garter belt.

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Do you know what brand socks he's wearing? That material looks a look more meshy than the Reebok Edge.

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  On 1/25/2015 at 4:55 PM, kingofnooyork said:

Nash rockin the APX2 Shin Guards


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Couldn't find a picture of it, but Nash is wearing the full APX2 protective - elbows, shins, and shoulders

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I don't know if anyone is watching NHL Network all-star pregame, but at about 3:20pm central time saw someone wearing some different Bauer skates....took a picture but don't know how to post from my phone

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