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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Hills

  1. You can physically see the longer finger blocks in the 4 Roll 2s...
  2. Can you post pictures of your eaten palms? I don't think I have seen palms destroyed after 5-10 skates. Are the palms crusty or have holes in them?
  3. HGTK are absolutely not a tighter fitting glove... Do you use tape or a tape alternative?
  4. CCM pro stocks evidently fit .5" bigger than retail counterparts according to CCM in that thread I believe.
  5. Just link him a marketing sheet then.
  6. I meant when I did a blind test between the two sticks I had. Which were the same flex and curve (obviously).
  7. A summary so you don't have to watch that garbage... AS2 Pro was lighter and taller than the AS1 but I didn't notice any improvements to warrant the AS2 Pro to even exist. Blind test didn't tell me anything either.
  8. If I had a P88 on me I would do a comparison for you!
  9. So... something to note that I thought was interesting. Fluid Inside is now used on CCM helmets, Axis goalie and Tacks 910. Fluid Inside is owned by MIPS.
  10. What do you mean like that? These are 20.1, so they are basically Axis pads. Their most modern pad they have.
  11. He never wore Eflex in the past, he wore Premier. So going to an L4.1 or L20.1 would've been closer to the Premier he had before.
  12. Well... I need to correct my statement as I misremembered I guess. I am the same person that did that review so...
  13. Mine broke on the first shift I had with it... obviously got warrantied but I moved on from it pretty quick so can't answer that sorry.
  14. Does the unique design get them away from the Bauer patent for the Edge holder? Do you notice the compression when standing or walking with them? Not that you have the Black Armor version, but does that act the same way all the Black steel does? Does it help on poor ice surfaces like the mirror coating does as well?
  15. Looks like a shot blocker on top of the tongue.
  16. They have a "free 30 day satisfaction guarantee" but for me that would end up costing like $100 in shipping so it isn't worth it.
  17. I am still waiting for anyone to actually give real feedback from that brand...
  18. STX currently has the best mobility for thumbs on the market besides the 3 piece Bauers which are evidently going away (not on the 2X Pro).
  19. Also need something more from than from Hockey Tutorial
  20. I would have to get my CCM SB Black sharpened every 2 weeks when on the ice twice a week. LS5 is is every 2ish months and that is the same for Step... difference is pretty big.
  21. I think the different tongues would affect that as well though as well as the eyelits.
  22. Good thing since now you won't have the worst stock steel on the market when you buy a $1000+ Canadian skate.
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