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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by BenBreeg

  1. Apple relegating all Charlie Brown specials to their awful AppleTV+, nothing is sacred....
  2. I liked listening to Doc, sad to see him go.
  3. Nothing scientific but when PA was in the midst of the previous version of restrictions which were inconsistent- % for restaurants at 50% for people not wearing masks but a flat number of 25 for indoor including the teams, coaches and refs whether you were in a small local rink or RMU or UPMC which is 10x as big, either USA Hockey or Mid-Am sent out talking points for the "write your rep" type of campaign where they were citing some numbers like average length of engagement between players is like 3 seconds or something like that. Don't quote me on the details but there was some data they were putting out there. But given that my in-house squirts end up with about 8-9 of them working the puck on the boards at the same time, I think it depends on the level...
  4. Interesting, I just got mine done for the first time at the guy who does all the figure skaters and was recommended by the top skating coach in town. I actually think I can go down a hollow. Besides being smooth as butter, they were a bit more grippy so I could see how the opposite could be true. Watching him sharpen was impressive. I am no guru but what i know is the sound was quieter than when some guys do it which sounds like me using a grinder on a lawnmower blade, it was consistent the whole length of the blade as was the “spark shower”. Not sure if those are valid metrics but the results were.
  5. Yeah, don't mess around. Try on a couple sizes and buy the one that fits.
  6. Regarding pros, since I would say profiling is really coming into the mainstream discussion (and by mainstream still limited to a minority but more than when some people would have their blades "rockered"), I would think that the majority of players and equipment guys are still somewhat rooted in what they grew up with, but that could be changing, seems like some guys are working through the process but I would imagine it is somewhat determined by their EqM and maybe more driven by skating coaches. https://www.vancourier.com/pass-it-to-bulis/a-change-in-skate-profile-could-make-elias-pettersson-even-harder-to-handle-next-season-1.23911267 (My question, was 13' ever a "standard" profile? I always thought in the past TUUK skates were 9' and CCM 11' but of course that was what people would say, I don't know if it has any veracity). Another aspect that I don't think has been tested is how long before steady state is established? Having a bunch of skaters swapping out profiles and running some tests may show quantitative performance data for someone who is new to a profile. What it doesn't show is how performance is affected in the longer term. There may be a learning period where the results are different. An expert skater may take time to really learn the nuances of a profile and the ability to wring every last bit of potential performance out of it. The problem is this is a process that takes a lot of time to collect that kind of data and very structured protocols (with enough participants representing each relevant variable, which also takes time to determine). I've done a lot of usability testing for medical devices which includes a lot of GUI as well as physical UIs so I'm looking at this more as a geek. Testing can really validate or invalidate some strongly held assumptions. Initial performance vs. learned performance, external and internal perception of task performance vs. measured task performance. Not 100% apples to apples here but certainly some applicable overlap I think.
  7. Nothing is a panacea, but the Q0 solved some issues for me coming from some random profile some guy with a Blademaster put on my skates. I know there is one study which resulted in 9/10 being the ideal profile (I dont want to misrepresent it, would have to search but one of the members is affiliated I believe) but I don’t think the body of evidence supports broad conclusions. It could be that being on the wrong profile by a long shot could hamper your skating but once you get in the vicinity then good enough is good enough. Until you have studies with enough power accounting for all relevant variables then I am not sure it will get to the point of confident conclusions. One thing I found interesting is that when talking to a guy around here who I was steered to by the best skating instructor in Pgh, who is the go to skate guy for figure skaters, he still just had a 9’ bar, did “forward pitch” as an option, and rounded toe and heel by hand. Could be he just hasn’t adopted the newer approaches or that the work they do placing the blade on a figure skating boot is seen as the dominant variable. Just a point of information. it is not feasible for everyone to work through all the different profiles, and qualitative self-reporting doesn’t tell the whole story. Some things may correlate, some may not. Feeling faster may not be faster, feeling more agile may not necessarily show up in the end results, that is why many more structured studies need done IMO.
  8. Pierre Kezdy, bassist for Naked Raygun and Pegboy, two of the greatest punk bands in history, NRG probably the greatest IMO. Been listening to them for over 30 years.
  9. Pretty much sums it up. The fact that Murray apparently wasn’t happy about “not being appreciated” doesn't speak well of his mental toughness. Pens don’t have a lot of money, not sure Fleury even at a discount would fit but might work if they could swing it. I can live with DeSmith as #2 and see how it goes.
  10. Lots of interconnected pieces. You said you found out the cause of your hamstring pain, what and how did you determine what it was? Skating isn't a real balanced activity and can affect muscle groups in various ways. There can be a causal chain and finding the root cause of something can be a process. Definitely starting with the basics mentioned in this thread would be good, strength, flexibility, and mobility. You can focus on the areas you are having trouble with but should it should be a whole-body process. Foam rollers and lacrosse or tennis ball rolling are great rehab/prehab activities. It can be tear-inducing but worth it. Also, you said you are working out. What are you doing? What does your week look like between practices, games, and additional workouts? Lots to consider. 16? Wait until your are in your 40s or 50s, stuff hurts and the only reason is you are in your 40s or 50s!!!
  11. Need to quantify how fast they are actually doing it as well as the amplitude of the movement first of all. Since it is a function of multiple variables, you of course can improve speed by training speed, but it will plateau as strength becomes a limiting factor, and you can increase speed by increasing strength until the CNS component would become the limiting factor. What the coefficient of each of those two variables is, I don’t know but strength is an important component based on physics alone.
  12. The actual motor control, or coordination of the movement, is an additional factor in applying the vector, not the development of the vector itself. Its holistic movement, strength applied rapidly in a coordinated manner, three components. The beer leaguer may have the strength, probably hasn’t developed the speed because they may not practice, and by virtue of being older learns coordinated movement much slower than a kid.
  13. Speed is power. Power is the application of force measured by time. Speed training starts with developing strength then training the CNS to optimally deliver that strength via inter and intra muscular coordination. So you need to build strength before you can maximize power and speed.
  14. Pretty solid job by the NHL coming up with a plan and executing on it. That was a really cool tournament.
  15. Yeah, I used to be a catcher and am double jointed in my glove hand thumb. Every once in a while I would catch it wrong or get a foul tip and my thumb would really get beat up, not fun at all.
  16. I don’t think the premise is bogus at all, I just question the price when with a little thought I am sure DIY solutions would work.
  17. So I may be out to lunch on this but why would the balance point of the boot matter? The balance point of the skater matters and different skater in the same boot can have very different postures, skating styles, etc.
  18. I would say you aren’t overthinking it. They aren’t Trues but I went from a 9 to 9.5 Ribcore through the 90-day return policy. Not only did it change the room in the toes but how my foot sat in the skate the whole way back, including eliminating some irritation in the ankle.
  19. I apologize I missed this until now. I don’t know compared to other brands but I am 6’3” 175 with 37” sleeve length and Sr. Med work great. Sr small or jr large, order both and return the other.
  20. I can't imagine this would replace in-store fittings, might be good for someone who is pretty good in retail skates but has one or two things they need help with and don't want to go custom. Plus, if people on this board just found out about it, can't imagine the general populace is going to know about it, depending on how they promote it.
  21. The price of the shoes in that blog have absolutely zero to do with performance, you are in an entirely different universe of rationale and tax bracket for why someone would buy those. Are these helmets actually being 3D printed on demand to fit your head? I think we’re getting into the first world hockey problems here, I don’t even notice my helmet once I am playing and it is just a Re-Akt 95. Kid: ”But moommmm, I neeed that helmet to go along with my Super Duper Hybrid Max Kickpoint Slapper Stick and No Such Thing As Too Stiff Skates!!!! Mom: ”But Billy, you’re only 7....” Kid: “I want it!” Store Employee: “It will give him the best protection from concussions and be comfortable since he’s on the ice, did you say nine times a week?” Mom: “Well, ok...”
  22. Can’t imagine this is meant to be deployed at a volume that would have much of an Impact on store sales. If some of the people here didn’t know about it the average consumer isn’t going to u less they are just rolling this out.
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