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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Stumbled upon this thread and looked at the skates online. Anyone picked up a pair? Do they fit the same as FT6 Pros? Saw Canadian stores were selling them for $400CAD during the holidays. In hopes of a future sale I thought these could be a great boot for roller
  2. Anyone happen to have a free shipping code? Was thinking about picking up a second set of R1 for another boot
  3. Looks to be the same as what was posted 2 months ago just silver instead of black. Really hoping these come to market soon. Holding off on new skates and would love to mount these to whatever I pick up
  4. Yep. Use an exacto knife and go slow making sure you’re only cutting through the excess fabric holding the shot blocker in place. If you want after the shot blocker itself is removed, you can use a seam ripper to get in the small space between the glove breaks to remove the fabric that was leftover from fabric that was cut off. Did that with a pair of Jetspeeds and you would never know there was a shot blocker on them
  5. Same. I still remember my first skate on TF9s. Was blown away by how great they felt from the first stride
  6. Did you bake the True skates before trying them on? I have to imagine there was some kind of error with the scan if you fit in an 8.5 in CCM and need to go UP 1.5 sizes from there. I wear the same size in both True and CCM
  7. I’ll third this comment. I also only undo the top eyelet with about an inch of lace sticking out of the second eyelet in order to get my skates on/off. Went down a size in laces compared to Bauer/CCM. The laces that come stock with True are absurdly long
  8. I also have a pair of those pliers whenever I run into stuck steel. Work great
  9. Came across an ad for an upcoming BLPA tournament in Tokyo this May. I have some vacation time to burn, I love Japan, and thought it could be a cool experience. Just wondering if anyone here has ever participated in one of their tourneys? Pros/cons/thoughts? Would you do it again? https://blpa.com/event/japan-draft-experience/
  10. Did you read the first page of this thread? Believe what you're asking was covered throughout that page. If not, here's another thread where Petter discusses the difference in the R1 radius compared to the O1 The feel of the two really depends on how tight you keep the center bolt of the O1. I used to keep the O1 bolt as loose as can be. That can't really be replicated with the R1 as even the insert with the most movement (H5-T8) doesn't rocker as much. Now, with that said, I did an 'experiment' when I initially got the R1s and wore both chassis at the same time. The difference wasn't as drastic as I would have thought
  11. Interesting look with the back heel leather material being added. I, personally, think the current Cat Pros are the best looking skates True has ever made, but the new 9x4 don’t look terrible. Granted, I’m not a fan of all the branding (like the giant Neurofit+ on the back and sides) or the unnecessary embellishments on the toe cap/lace facing, but at least they’re no longer yellow. The name on the other hand is pretty brutal. Do we really need ‘x4’ on every skate? Will be curious to see how well the new ‘plastic base shell insert’ works in holding rivets more securely and prevent them from disintegrating so quickly.
  12. What’s up with so much helmet experimentation all of a sudden? Vegas I understand the gold chrome. Kings I can get on board with too I suppose. The Canucks? Not sure how this fits… https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/canucks-new-metallic-blue-helmets
  13. Not upset, simply stating that you didn't seem to be listening to feedback anyone was giving you. Your (now edited) post also had you saying you were going to size UP to get more space between your toes and the cap of boot rather than size DOWN which is what myself and others had recommended. Same goes for disregarding how substantial the fit of a True boot changes when baked and how malleable they become
  14. I don’t think you’re reading my response correctly. You claimed that your toes were ‘almost touching the cap’ which means they weren’t. This was BEFORE baking them as you also stated. Read any comprehensive write up on fitting True skates and you’ll see that they all say your toes should be pushed pretty hard against the toe cap before baking. Once they are baked, they open up and your toes should no longer be against the toe cap, but will fit how you’re describing them now. But hey, it’s your money. Not sure why you bother asking for advice if you disregard it
  15. I thought it started with the Yotes, specifically Bauer 4500 helmets, because they couldn’t get the color so the team had to spray paint it. Maybe that was BS, but when they first launched the desert alts all other helmets were glossy. Honestly not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, matte helmets don’t show finger prints or scratches which would be a huge plus for us players and I’d imagine EQM. On the other hand, they just look off… https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/carson-soucy-of-the-vancouver-canucks-flashes-a-smile-news-photo/1940920539 Lokks like uni watch made a post about this topic too if you zoom in on Hughes’ Bauer helmet (4th in the carousel) it is definitely a matte vinyl wrap on a glossy helmet https://uni-watch.com/2023/11/21/are-matte-helmets-about-to-become-an-nhl-trend/
  16. If your toes aren’t even touching the cap, the skates are way too big. Your skates should be hard against the cap before baking. They open up about a 1/2 size after baking. Based on what you wrote, you should try a size 6W
  17. “G8RSkin significantly reduces these peak acceleration values“ Is it because wearing it keeps you from moving at all since you’ll be on the bench for looking like such a fool?
  18. Saw that description in the email PSHS sent out last month. Definitely plan on trying it out on my next order. I know I could ‘learn’ to keep other curves down but I have zero issue getting height off a P88
  19. Are there any new Sprung components being made? I thought Thom simply bought up all the supply and that was it. Didn't realize he was still producing components
  20. FB adjacent… https://www.instagram.com/p/C1z9OqnyHE-/?igsh=ZWMyNDBlOTQyNg==
  21. Couldn’t find the Sprung thread and figured the chassis was mentioned in this one so it seemed appropriate. Agreed about potential pricing although at least Sprung chassis have an actual benefit unlike what Labeda is trying to do. Components look minimal and I thought I recalled magnesium being discussed after aluminum for the material so it’ll be interesting to see what they go with and how how much it weighs
  22. 7 years later and could there finally be light at the end of the tunnel!!?! https://www.facebook.com/100064129385552/posts/758794172934889/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
  23. Didn’t have extra shrink wrap in the house and didn’t want to go out. Figured this way was also a bit more environmentally friendly and worked exactly how I needed it to
  24. Watching the Winter Classic and rebaked the boots using the convection setting on my oven (never used that before) and used thick neoprene strap from when I had shoulder surgery for the wrap. DEFINITELY got a tighter wrap using this method including around the ankle. Will try to find time this week to test them out on the ice, but I’m crossing my fingers I may have finally got them dialed in. Thanks for all the tips and suggestions!
  25. Definitely outside of any return window. I’ve baked a number of True skates at home and did the same with these initially but perhaps I need to leave them in a bit longer so the become a bit more pliable
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