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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

shoeshine boy

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shoeshine boy last won the day on May 22 2024

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  1. this question is for the adult players out there. does your league have insurance for injuries that's NOT USA Hockey/HockeyCanada insurance? some background: our league is instituting a full facial protection rule next Summer for all levels except the Elite players. the main reason is due to rising insurance costs caused by players with half shields (already required) needing expensive dental work and other facial injuries. as you can imagine, there's pushback and whining "I'm an adult! it should be my choice!" but as an independent (non-rink) league, insurance is crucial. at least one of the rink0run leagues in town dropped USA Hockey insurance years ago and now just goes without any.
  2. I think the black and blue one, which is the "newer" one, only has +1 extension and not -1. not a big deal for me but I'm trying to figure out if the newer one has a belt.
  3. did you buy the one that's black and yellow or the newer one that's black and blue?
  4. kind of depends. if you're buying a girdle shell, same size as your girdle. if you're buying a pant shell, you can size down.
  5. anybody know if they'll offer 3D printed achilles guards as well?
  6. I have a pair from Kansas City Mavericks. as you might expect, they're not quite up to NHL snuff but still a ton better than Warrior's retail offerings.
  7. there are 2 types of shells, pant shells and girdle shells. most of the time, a girdle shell is smaller and thicker material. you CAN wear it over pants if you size up but it's going to be hotter. even with my girdle, I prefer pant shells because they're not as hot.
  8. I think this is the video I watched that helped me pack most efficiently: the only issue that you might have is skate size but you could always store your skates blade up with soakers if you had to. I don't have a bunch of extra space but really, I was carrying too much crap around anyway. the only time I wish that I had more space is when I go to tournaments.
  9. I'm a 5'2" female so most of my gear is smaller (13" shins and gloves for example) plus I also wear a girdle instead of traditional pants. I'm confidant that the girdle/shell is a huge help in getting my stuff in the smaller bag.
  10. I got a Pacific Rink bag just over a year ago and I'm loving it. at 54, I feel better being balanced with my gear instead of having it on one side (I used Warrior Pro Carry bags for YEARS) and refuse to get a wheeled bag. https://www.pacificrink.com/products/player-bag mine is a junior bag though so a bit different from their main bag. I looked at both but wasn't a fan of those "hideaway backpack straps" on the senior bag.
  11. something about those makes me remember these:
  12. I like the new matte black helmets though I always hated that Easton one from what, 10 years ago? Warrior has one on the retail side: https://www.hockeymonkey.com/ice-hockey/helmets/all-helmets/warrior-hockey-helmet-covert-cf-100-matte-sr.html
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