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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Tacks Stick

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I was wondering if anybody has grabbed one since they hit the shelves, and wouldn't mind hearing some opinions and or a break down of the stick.

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Got to shoot with a few demo models. They kicked very hard, and the blade is super stiff. Really hoping my junior team decides to get these this season.

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Amazing Stick, used one yesterday as a demo and went out and bought one today. That is saying a lot since I have not been a fan of ccm sticks in a long time. They really hit a home run with it. This stick had great puck feel, super accurate and the grip in my view is much better then the super tacky grip they used on the super fast. Overall I'm sold and it appears ccm is back which is a great thing.

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I agree with HW. I don't use mid kicks typically but the tacks stick was very nice. Great feel and pop. I thought I'd be more impressed with the super fast but I was pleasantly surprised by tacks. There was a lot of good feedback about the stick at SJ, to many it was the most impressive piece there

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Wish they had this with an e28 clone.

Frankly, I'm sick of all the huge hooks and toe curves that manufacturers are offering. CCM already has a few offerings that are fairly similar. Meanwhile, it's damn near impossible to get a mild heel or mid curve anymore.

I was impressed with the stick in the brief demo I had with it at summer jam but the dearth of curves that fit my preferences make me unlikely to purchase one.

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I used it in a 75 flex P19 (Nugent-Hopkins) and absolutely loved it. I preferred it over the Superfast and the MX3. Both really good sticks, just something about the Tacks sticks that seemed to work for me.

I thought CCM had a great showing at SJ. I appears to me that they are not setting their sights at the low hanging fruit. They are going after Bauer. Good for them, nice to see them back.

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I echo the sentiments of my esteemed fellow SJ6 attendees. I loved the Tacks stick and will be buying one before my next game. I used the Landeskog pattern and it was very similar, tho not exactly, like the P14.

Great kick, really good feel. The 85 flex felt a tad stiff... I might go for a 75. Not sure.

Home run by CCM!!!!!

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I had a chance to use the Tacks stick at SJ and was impressed by the puck feel and balance. I also enjoyed using the Landeskog curve. I tried the Superfast as well with the same specs and while it was also a good stick I preferred the Tacks because it had better feel.

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Used both the Tacks and RBZ at SJ6 and like them both more than the Nexus 8000 (P14). I liked the combination of the 75 flex and the Landeskog curve. I was diggin' the stiffness of the blade and the not-so-grippy grip the Tacks had to offer. I'm not a huge fan of mid-kickers but still wouldn't mind buying one. It was my first time ever using a CCM stick and I came away very impressed.

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Didn't hold out very long. Went out this morning and picked up a Tacks stick. First CCM stick since the old wood days when I was 8 or 9.

Had a chance to see the 5052, for $169 it looks to be a pretty nice stick.

**EDIT Changed 1052 to 5052 - I had the right price point, wrong model number.**

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Used it for my game last night and have to say the stick really does remind me of my glory stick the one95. I used the backstrom curve with bauer in the supreme lines so went with the RNH curve since I liked it so much while using it at SJ. The curve is a little more closed then the backstrom but I got used to it very quick. I cant say enough good things about this stick.

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If you plan on hitting Pure Hockey, you might want to wait until Thursday as it will be 20% off.

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