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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by stick9

  1. Pretty good video of the skate if you care to look. Thats one fine looking set of wheels. Oh, count me in on the LS Carbon.
  2. I don't know. With the different fits now. If you want the injected lacing get the vapor, I'd not then get the supreme.
  3. No, just Ribcor and Jetspeed in 21.
  4. You can't just have any old schmuck work an automated machine. If you're honing steel post sharpening you need to have some experience and a decent set of hands. I own a Sparx and love it, but it's not as simple as it's made out to be. It's not for the kitchen and it's not as simple as press a button and go.
  5. Since the 100k has yet to hit stores it's hard to compare. IMO, the most impressive thing about the Ribcors has been the comfort. The memory foam ankle donuts are sublime. Thats what got me looking into them. The performance is what got me to stay.
  6. If the player already has a new pair and refuses to switch, don't force the issue. He may actually prefer a softer boot.
  7. So these U-14 players not only know the difference but can feel a difference as well? Coming from someone who has a 12 year old, I find that extremely hard to believe. Yes, ccm steel is bad but going to Step for players that old is way overkill IMO.
  8. Yep, that's the way to go. I've shipped and received plenty of sticks that way, never a problem.
  9. This was my experience as well. Almost word for word. Eventually I ended up back on the larger holder, 254. I was a lot more comfortable and no longer needed to F with profiles.
  10. All that can be handled. There are a lot of business that operate under a build to order (BTO) model. I don't know if CCM has the staff to do so, but it's certainly doable. Cost wise, I bet it's closer than you think. Yes labor in NA is higher but you save money on tariffs and shipping. You're already paying $1k, what's an extra $50-60 bucks.
  11. There is a youtube video out now explaining the fit profiles. They mention, ccm said the old fit system, fit about 75% of all players. Thru customer feedback and foot scans. They feel the new fit system will fit 95% of players. They talk a little about stiffness, nothing note worthy. The Tacks line fit will remain the same until it gets updated sometime next year. Also, plenty of good shots of the new Ribcor and it looks glorious.
  12. It was cost and weight that did the lace locks in. They were a staple on every ccm skate until they entered the weight game.
  13. As long you they don't alter the design or materials, I imagine it's not much different. Either way fit is still a variable.
  14. But it's such a small amount. I can't see players, especially higher profile guys leaving performance on the table just for some pocket change.
  15. I'd be ok with that price if it were say, limited quantity or a custom made liner to help fit your head better. But a regular old bucket...aw hell no.
  16. I've had pro stocks like that. It's not a plug, more like a coupling. You'll never know its there.
  17. You know, I thought about that as I was typing that post. It's a shame really. I think a lot of players are leaving performance on the table because they are being forced to use hardware that doesn't really suite their needs. Skates and sticks can have a negitive impact on your performance. You can't tell me a skate is all about length, depth and heel lock. It's not. Flex and wrap are huge factors.
  18. Guilty Once you start dropping eyelets. To me you've basically admitted your skates are too stiff. Not poo-pooing the value of some of these tips. They have their place. I mean, they wouldn't exist if they didn't offer some sort of value, perceived or otherwise. It's not for everyone and some aspects can be addressed by switching hardware. A softer boot or ditching those waxed Elite laces will help with forward flexion. Adding some custom insoles for proper heel and arch support. If you want to dig a little deeper you can see if your holders are aligned and shimmed to met your specific needs. I always said, it's not the hammer, it's the carpenter. Well, that's a total crock. The hardware matters.
  19. The draw to the shift holder was STEP Steel, was it not... Since CCM now owns STEP and you already have some holders and steel. Wouldn't it make more sense to just switch to the XS holder?
  20. Some guys unlace their skates little by little until they are lace free. It's a training thing, and yes it sounds crazy.
  21. Depends on the flow. 🤣 Seriously, I never touched the adjustment after the initial fit until my hair got a little long.
  22. Don't they still make the 4500? I thought Bauer was re-releasing it, no...
  23. Isn't stiffness relative to the player? I mean, take two players at identical skill levels, the only difference is one players weighs 140lbs, the other is 200lbs. You put both of them in the same exact skate and the results will vary. The reason I mention this is because I sort of had one of those ah-ha moments with skates. Up until late 2019 I was fairly happy with my Vapor 1X 2.0. I really like the injected lacing and the flex lock tongue and that skate looked awesome. I was bored one day so I started looking at skates on SS. I found a used pair of pro stock 70k's with edge holders. They were my size and crazy cheap. I figured what the hell. If I hate em, I'll flip or keep them for pond skates. Turns out, there was an immediate boost to my skating. Things I struggled with were no longer an issue and there were certain things I found myself doing that I was not able to in other skates. This tells me, fit is not really king. I don't think my ribcors fit perfectly. My heel is locked in, I don't have any lace-bite issues but there is some negative space in the toe box that's not there in the vapors. Yet they still out perform the vapors by a wide margin, and I think the Vapor is a much better skate. I've worn the vapors once since I got the ribcors. That was after I decided to convert them to inlines. Zero regrets.
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