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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Every Thanksging morning I drive down to my home town and run the Manchester Road Race. 14,000 ran the just under 5 mile course. Roads are lined with people, pretty good crowds even when it snows, normally half a dozen bands along the route as well.

At any rate, I'm running along, and about the third mile a glance over at a larger women eating a donut. She was wearing a t-shirt that read " I beat anorexia" . I couldn't stop laughing and had to take quick break to collect myself. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

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I started the week with a 38 in english, a 68 in history, and a 66 in trig and an 84 in chem. The stipulations my mom placed on me were as follows: you must be passing all classes, however I will still let you go if your 66 in trig stands. Needless to say, wednesday at 1:30 when we were dismissed, I had a 75 in english, a 79 in chem(I botched a test tuesday), and an 85 in history. That having been said: Thanksgiving weekend: Pens/Rangers. Oh yes!

Congrats. Glad to see that you had the fire in you to do better, and had a carrot bouncing on the pole you just can't catch. my grades are getting better and I was told today that my scholarship will stand, saving me from imminent death at the ghettoest school in CT, Central High. All is good in academia

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I started the week with a 38 in english, a 68 in history, and a 66 in trig and an 84 in chem. The stipulations my mom placed on me were as follows: you must be passing all classes, however I will still let you go if your 66 in trig stands. Needless to say, wednesday at 1:30 when we were dismissed, I had a 75 in english, a 79 in chem(I botched a test tuesday), and an 85 in history. That having been said: Thanksgiving weekend: Pens/Rangers. Oh yes!

Congrats. Glad to see that you had the fire in you to do better, and had a carrot bouncing on the pole you just can't catch. my grades are getting better and I was told today that my scholarship will stand, saving me from imminent death at the ghettoest school in CT, Central High. All is good in academia

Why Yes, it certainly is. Congrats man. However my grades are not due to lack of intelligence, rather lack of motivation. I'm a lazy student, and it takes a swift kick in the rear to get me turned around, but if I truly applied myself, look out. I'm one of the brightest students in my grade.

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I started the week with a 38 in english, a 68 in history, and a 66 in trig and an 84 in chem. The stipulations my mom placed on me were as follows: you must be passing all classes, however I will still let you go if your 66 in trig stands. Needless to say, wednesday at 1:30 when we were dismissed, I had a 75 in english, a 79 in chem(I botched a test tuesday), and an 85 in history. That having been said: Thanksgiving weekend: Pens/Rangers. Oh yes!

Congrats. Glad to see that you had the fire in you to do better, and had a carrot bouncing on the pole you just can't catch. my grades are getting better and I was told today that my scholarship will stand, saving me from imminent death at the ghettoest school in CT, Central High. All is good in academia

Why Yes, it certainly is. Congrats man. However my grades are not due to lack of intelligence, rather lack of motivation. I'm a lazy student, and it takes a swift kick in the rear to get me turned around, but if I truly applied myself, look out. I'm one of the brightest students in my grade.

you better figure out the motivation part quick. Once you get to college you're on your own and the profs couldn't care less if you went to class.

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I hear that one loud and clear Drew. However, I had the opportunity of being selected to County Band, and our guest clinician there grew up on long Island. He explained to us, if the fire of music is in us, pursue music. He didn't have the greatest grades either. Sad enough, I may actually pursue a Music Ed. degree.

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I never had been challenged academically in my grade school and never was faced with alanguage. Now i am learning Latin and Spanish as a philistine, as my Latin teacher called me. As hockey season starts up, I must balance school with sports the best I can. I guess the right to play hockey is enough motivation to do good in school.

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I never had been challenged academically in my grade school and never was faced with alanguage. Now i am learning Latin and Spanish as a philistine, as my Latin teacher called me. As hockey season starts up, I must balance school with sports the best I can. I guess the right to play hockey is enough motivation to do good in school.

I know how you feel. I'm a drum major for my HS's marching band. I've got to keep my grades passing to demonstrate something called SUDA(Spirit, Unity, Discipline, Attitude). Also, my mom's always been supportive of me trying new things. With my final year of VFW Teener League Baseball, I was encouraged to find a new sport. It just so happened that the team closest to us won the stanley cup in 2009. 400 dollars and some ice time later, I've realized what the game was truely about. Fun.

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Having the NCAA national championship take place this Saturday and not having to wait for January to watch it.

I wonder what we'll hear more of, Tim Tebow is the second coming of Jesus, or excusing Alabama's sleep-inducing play as "good SEC football". I know I'll be watching that game on mute and closing my eyes every time they show a segment of Tebow not in uniform.

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