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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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  jds said:
Waiting to check out of the hotel and there is a long line up. Decide to kill some time by browsing at a National Sports across the street. Pick up a pair of RBK 8k shins for 8o buck marked down from $170. Back to the hotel. No line.
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Impulse gear shopping. A true sign of gear whoring at it's best!

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  RadioGaGa said:
Impulse gear shopping. A true sign of gear whoring at it's best!
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Yeah but they were on sale! :rolleyes: And my 8k elbows that I impulsed bought needed a mate.

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Friend of mine put this up on Facebook today. Not sure if it's something that has been passed around the internet for a while, or if it actually happened, but.


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Feels good to know not everyone is a jerkoff in some way or another.

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I've seen cars with lights on, or doors left slightly ajar. I'm always afraid that if I touch it, I'm going to set off an alarm, or be seen opening/closingthe door and get accused of something...so i just leave it, and hope (for their sake) everyone else does the same.

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just got a job offer (in MI) which will give me about a 15K raise and drop my daily commute from 65 miles to 9. I'm so pumped...

Custom TotalOnes to celebrate???

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  B19Kress said:
just got a job offer (in MI) which will give me about a 15K raise and drop my daily commute from 65 miles to 9. I'm so pumped...

Custom TotalOnes, for everyone, to celebrate???

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Came across an Android app that lets me watch flash videos on my phone now.

southparkstudios will now be bookmarked so I can get my South Park fix on the go.

BTW, the app is Skyfire 2.0 for anyone who's interested

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Puck tricked out to the high slot and I hammered a slapper that hit the crossbar in the back and was back out before the goalie even flinched. For once the ref was in the right position and actually called it a goal despite the protests from the other team.

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played a good team game last night, breaking a 2 game losing streak (if you can call it a streak). Ended up 5-1 winners, and kudos to our 13 year old standin goalie while our actual goalie was off to Europe with his missus. The goalie stopped numerous shots, was unfazed at everything... he kept us in the game enough for us to settle down and play like a team. We killed about 5 penalties, with everyone just taking it easy and making hte passes to waste some time.

Got a nice goal as well... we were passing really well during the shift, and me playing in the high slot. Anticipated that my team mate would intercept a pass, and he drove it up the right wing, with me heading towards the net... played a soft pass to me, slow enough to draw the goalie out for a poke check... pulled the puck away from him a split second before he got it, and the practice of pulling to the backhand and shot kicks in.. puck was in the net before the goalie could even extend for his poke check... thought it was a nice goal, well set up... but the bench just thought it was really sick how we did all the passing.

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I finally get to play a few adult games this summer! woo hoo! My kids schedules have kept me from playing for the past 6 months despite me being on the ice 2-3 times a week coaching.

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Our high school team is picking up some AAA kids who don't to play travel their senior year. It means that I might not be captain but if the team get's better I don't give a damn,

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I'm usually a playmaker, I rack up the assists, and chip in a few goals, but I don't have a great shot. Played my buddy's team last night (he's the tendy), and he's beaking me the whole game about how I can't cash a goal that isnt a tap in, or a redirect. I get a feed at the top of the circle on my offwing, brake an look up for a pass (which is what I normally do, we have a few guys who can CRANK it on our team), and one guy is open. So I faked the feed to him, and cranked it myself. Completely fooled the goalie, and got the middle of the crossbar and down. I got ALL of it, and there are few things better than seeing the goalie glove hand go up to stop your shot as fast as he can, and he's still not quick enough to catch it. BEAUTY feeling, especially for me, cause it never happens! :D

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After 5 weeks in a metal and neoprene splint with no physical activity allowed I was cleared this morning by my doctor to resume sports... Missed most of my college baseball season, but I get to play in the first men's league hockey game of the season Monday night... pumped.

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Have not played competitive hockey since my junior season ended a month ago, my local rink has a college/junior league over the summer and I have my pre-season skate tonight. I am so excited to get out there was some good talent on the ice. Drop-in is just not cutting it.

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  Slapshot9123 said:
Have not played competitive hockey since my junior season ended a month ago, my local rink has a college/junior league over the summer and I have my pre-season skate tonight. I am so excited to get out there was some good talent on the ice. Drop-in is just not cutting it.
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sounds like a sweet leaugue. Playing in a high school league next month........................pretty bad competition

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  bostonjuniorblackhawks said:
sounds like a sweet leaugue. Playing in a high school league next month........................pretty bad competition
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When I played spring for my high school my incoming freshman year the just stuck all of us who were gonna be freshman on JV without even seeing us play before, I put up 67 points in 12 games. After that season they I played on the Varsity squad for spring with similar results. High School hockey in IL is just a complete joke.

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  Slapshot9123 said:
When I played spring for my high school my incoming freshman year the just stuck all of us who were gonna be freshman on JV without even seeing us play before, I put up 67 points in 12 games. After that season they I played on the Varsity squad for spring with similar results. High School hockey in IL is just a complete joke.
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Pretty much same here. My bud playing high school puts up ridiculous numbers. He's gonna play at UNH. He pretty much makes everyone look bad

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  greech said:
Who's your bud that's going to UNH out of high school?
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He is probably playing spring league High School, not winter season. That is what I did all through High School. And he is probably playing Jrs or AAA during the winter season. I know a 94 playing AAA who is committed to Michigan already so I don't doubt it.

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  Slapshot9123 said:
He is probably playing spring league High School, not winter season. That is what I did all through High School. And he is probably playing Jrs or AAA during the winter season. I know a 94 playing AAA who is committed to Michigan already so I don't doubt it.
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Actually he does play his winter season for his high school lol.

greech I pm'd you

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