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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2017-2018 Gear Sightings

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2 hours ago, UCMnumber8 said:

Full look at the Golden Knights uniform


The uniforms are fine, but the gloves suck. I'm normally all for "dipped fingers" but ick 

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29 minutes ago, Buzz_LightBeer said:

That grey with gold fingers would be much better

Makes no sense with the lack of white on that jersey and then full white gloves... Looks like an NHL 17 design

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Yes, and usually the gloves and helmets have one colour that matches. The helmet is grey and the gloves are white and gold...doesn't make sense. The gloves being mainly grey (matching the helmet) with gold accents would certainly make more sense.

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2 minutes ago, Hills said:

Makes no sense with the lack of white on that jersey and then full white gloves... Looks like an NHL 17 design

 My guess is that the folks in China couldn't get the real gloves done in time.

NHL lacks showmanship. To ring in the new Vegas unis, they should have dimmed the lights in their arena, and under spotlight had Bettman skate to center ice in the new uniform. That's entertainment.

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37 minutes ago, clarkiestooth said:

 My guess is that the folks in China couldn't get the real gloves done in time.

NHL lacks showmanship. To ring in the new Vegas unis, they should have dimmed the lights in their arena, and under spotlight had Bettman skate to center ice in the new uniform. That's entertainment.

The team confirmed those are the colors. And other manufacturers confirmed as well.

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Are the gloves really white or a light grey to match the color scheme?  The only images I saw, and the reveal video, had so much light on them that they just looked overexposed and blown out, I couldn't actually tell much since they were so bright.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking that they're not white.

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1 hour ago, Hills said:

They are white. I asked Warrior on Twitter.

Doh!  Oh well, I'm sure the roller hockey kids will be happy about it (do they still love white gloves like they used to?).

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The gloves are white due to a request by owner William Foley.

He is a graduate of West Point, and the white glove is a tie in to the uniform worn by West Point students (cadets?). 

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The gloves are horrible and the uniform is something you would expect to see at the World Cup of Hockey, not the NHL. Hopefully in the coming seasons they will figure out a scheme that works.

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49 minutes ago, OzziesDad said:

The gloves are white due to a request by owner William Foley.

He is a graduate of West Point, and the white glove is a tie in to the uniform worn by West Point students (cadets?). 

I guess the one with the money makes the rules, even if they are horribly wrong.

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don't mind the white gloves, but the thing that looks absolutely terrible are those red stripes, there's no red anywhere else on the uniform and there's already 4 colors. Adding a 5th just makes it look like a clown outfit. Replace the red stripes with black and all of a sudden you have a much more classy looking set.



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I don't hate the jerseys. I remember people having similar reactions when the stars made the change to the current jerseys. The gloves are absolutely atrocious. I can't believe the uniform police in the NHL and at adidas didn't intervene on that one 

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2 hours ago, OzziesDad said:

The gloves are white due to a request by owner William Foley.

He is a graduate of West Point, and the white glove is a tie in to the uniform worn by West Point students (cadets?). 

He really loves bringing that up. I'll never understand American colleges and the obsession with the school you graduated from.

1 hour ago, jdvn said:

The gloves are horrible and the uniform is something you would expect to see at the World Cup of Hockey, not the NHL. Hopefully in the coming seasons they will figure out a scheme that works.

If previous expansion teams are any indication, it won't take long for a redesign or even a total logo and/or color change. 

6 minutes ago, rawkstar said:

don't mind the white gloves, but the thing that looks absolutely terrible are those red stripes, there's no red anywhere else on the uniform and there's already 4 colors. Adding a 5th just makes it look like a clown outfit. Replace the red stripes with black and all of a sudden you have a much more classy looking set.



I actually don't mind the red stripes in theory, but the total lack of red elsewhere makes it look weird. 

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6 minutes ago, jared9356 said:
Colorado did the whole redesign thing right. Too bad Calgary and Washington didn't go down the retro road.

I love the Calgary 3rds, I wish they'd go to them full time. I loved the Calgary uniforms when the Edge stuff came out because I thought they made good use of the pattern. But now they look super dated. I do like the black flaming C though.

I give Washington a pass, considering how awful the uniforms in the 00s were and I actually quite like that they went to a modernized version of the old logo. Their 3rds (retro) are still pretty nice though.


5 minutes ago, adam14 said:

I don't hate the jerseys. I remember people having similar reactions when the stars made the change to the current jerseys. The gloves are absolutely atrocious. I can't believe the uniform police in the NHL and at adidas didn't intervene on that one 

I do agree with the comparison, but I personally liked the simplification of the stars uniforms from day one. I think I was in the minority on that, though.

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4 hours ago, clarkiestooth said:

 My guess is that the folks in China couldn't get the real gloves done in time.

NHL lacks showmanship. To ring in the new Vegas unis, they should have dimmed the lights in their arena, and under spotlight had Bettman skate to center ice in the new uniform. That's entertainment.

... and then Scott Stevens destroys him at center ice.

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