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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2014-2015 Gear Sightings

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... especially when there's another player between your stick and the goal post.

I seriously think he should be suspended. Him, Quick and Smith are so reckless with their sticks it is ridiculous. If players can get suspensions for being reckless on hits goalies should get suspensions for crap like this.

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Lame, so many teams in the NHL could have amazingly looking gloves and this just stick with black or a single colour. Black, gold, white and orange and that is the colour the Ducks go with...

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On their own, I like the look of the orange cuffed gloves. I just think that they don't necessarily go well with the rest of the uniform.

Some orange trim or accents would be nice but it seems like a lot of teams are determined to go as bland as possible.

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Minimalism is the new trend, no? It's the whole "modernization" wave that's going through the NHL uniforms, starting with Dallas' update.

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IF that is what the referee chose, yes.

Interesting goal post

I'm schocked there isn't a clear cover over that lens. I'd have put one on it for sure for two reasons. 1 to keep debris and snow out and protect the lens from impact and 2 to keep the bounce off the post as close to the original steel as it could be.

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Mike Green back to using a Easton Stealth CNT, wonder where he found them or if they were made by Easton for him. 75510ae2-b5ae-465e-8232-30b9340755bd_zps

Basically zero chance this stick was made in the last 36 months. Has to be old stock.

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Basically zero chance this stick was made in the last 36 months. Has to be old stock.

Wasn't he calling guys he gave them out as memorabilia to give them back?

Guys were literally pulling them off their basement walls so he could use them.

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Posted by the official Bauer Instagram so I figured it'd be okay to post...first teaser of the new Nexus stick line


you can also see the 1X skates there too. The Nexus is pretty nice but the naming system might get confusing down the road

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you can also see the 1X skates there too. The Nexus is pretty nice but the naming system might get confusing down the road

heh as if the vapor system hasn't been confusing enough...

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heh as if the vapor system hasn't been confusing enough...

or the Reebok system pre-Ribcor (at one point the 8k was a top of the line skate and later it was a lower end model ect.)

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