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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2014-2015 Gear Sightings

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I doubt it. Looks like they're going with streamlined naming similar to the 1X. Supreme looks like it may be 1S and the Nexus will be 1N. Who knows though....

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  On 2/23/2015 at 3:49 PM, Hills said:

I seriously think he should be suspended. Him, Quick and Smith are so reckless with their sticks it is ridiculous. If players can get suspensions for being reckless on hits goalies should get suspensions for crap like this.

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Smith broke his stick on the post and got called for unsportsmanlike conduct last night against the Rangers.

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  On 2/27/2015 at 12:55 AM, kovalchuk71 said:

I doubt it. Looks like they're going with streamlined naming similar to the 1X. Supreme looks like it may be 1S and the Nexus will be 1N. Who knows though....

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I do.

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  On 2/27/2015 at 1:24 PM, SlaterC42 said:

Smith broke his stick on the post and got called for unsportsmanlike conduct last night against the Rangers.

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Dude from Philly broke his stick last night by smashing it into the ice at the end of the period and the blade flew up and hit kadri in the face. Luckily they gave him an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty also.

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  On 2/27/2015 at 4:20 PM, raganblink said:


Not gonna lie, things will get confusing to customers with what you're doing with vapor/nexus coming up IMO.

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Numbers are still the way to go IMO. It helps with heuristics for the average customer. If you want confusing names look at Warrior a little while back when they had the Esquire, Bentley, Vandal, Bandito, etc. Without looking at the price tag it would be hard to gauge which price point those sticks were in.

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Something cool I noticed. Myers is still using his Sabres pants, the jets seem to have just stitched over a patch with the Jets logo onto the front of them.


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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:04 PM, mickz said:

Numbers are still the way to go IMO. It helps with heuristics for the average customer. If you want confusing names look at Warrior a little while back when they had the Esquire, Bentley, Vandal, Bandito, etc. Without looking at the price tag it would be hard to gauge which price point those sticks were in.

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But the whole X60, X.6, X.60 all being wildly different price points across model years is kind of a pain in the ass.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:04 PM, mickz said:

Numbers are still the way to go IMO. It helps with heuristics for the average customer. If you want confusing names look at Warrior a little while back when they had the Esquire, Bentley, Vandal, Bandito, etc. Without looking at the price tag it would be hard to gauge which price point those sticks were in.

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I mean from a 1X, 1N, 1S (if they go that route) kind of thing. Numbers are definitely the way to do something, but it was pretty easy when Nexus was a hundreds of thousands number, Supreme had the 1 apart of it (One95, One100, One40, One.6, 170, etc), and Vapor was X and then something.

It'll just make it harder for the parents who don't know any better, and then they'll buy their kid a stick that they didn't exactly want, and then they'll go out a buy another stick that is the right one that they want...wait a minute...

  On 3/4/2015 at 3:34 PM, OptimusReim said:

But the whole X60, X.6, X.60 all being wildly different price points across model years is kind of a pain in the ass.

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Yes, yes it is. Not difficult really but it makes it interesting for the uninformed people.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 8:25 PM, raganblink said:

I mean from a 1X, 1N, 1S (if they go that route) kind of thing. Numbers are definitely the way to do something, but it was pretty easy when Nexus was a hundreds of thousands number, Supreme had the 1 apart of it (One95, One100, One40, One.6, 170, etc), and Vapor was X and then something.

It'll just make it harder for the parents who don't know any better, and then they'll buy their kid a stick that they didn't exactly want, and then they'll go out a buy another stick that is the right one that they want...wait a minute...

Yes, yes it is. Not difficult really but it makes it interesting for the uninformed people.

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The name 1X is to pay tribute to its OD1N roots. The Supreme family hasn't had their top level stick in line with naming since the ONE95. The Total One, NXG and MX3 all deviated from the ONExx, One.xx or 1xx naming pattern. The average uninformed consumer probably won't look at sticks in this price point. They're more likely to compare a $99.99 stick with the price point above or below.

I think what has confused people is how Bauer has recycled names. The previous gen X60 skate had some people confused with the top level X:60 from a couple generations back.

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